What is scrapbook

  1. Choosing a Scrapbook
  2. Scrapbook vs Journal
  3. Everything You Need to Know about Stamping
  4. What Is Scrapbooking? Crafting 101
  5. What is Scrapbooking? – The Awesome Ladies Project
  6. What is the Purpose of Scrapbooking?

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Choosing a Scrapbook

One of the first things you need to decide when you get started with scrapbooking is which type of scrapbook album to buy. There are a myriad of choices and confusing styles. Do you want a three-ring or a post-bound scrapbook? A 12-by-12-inch or an 8-by-8-inch album? This quick rundown goes over the pros and cons of each scrapbook type, as well as the best ways to use them. Post-Bound A post-bound album has machine screws and posts that screw together to bind the book. The page protectors have holes punched in them where the posts are inserted to hold them securely in the album. Each page protector opens at the top, allowing you to slide completed scrapbook pages right into the protectors. Two pages can be slid into each page protector back-to-back to create a double-sided page. If you need to move pages around, you can easily remove them from their protectors. When you want to add additional page protectors to your album, you can unscrew the machine screws and add extenders to lengthen the posts. Three-Ring A three-ring album uses page protectors that are usually identical to those found in post-bound albums. Instead of being bound by posts, a three-ring album uses standard three-ring notebook-style hinges to hold the page protectors in the book. D-ring albums allow the pages that sit flat in the book when it is closed. If you anticipate removing or adding pages to your album often, three-ring albums offer the most flexibility. Strap-Hinge Strap-hinge scrapbooks use pages...

Scrapbook vs Journal

In terms of mental health benefits, there is no comparing scrapbook vs journal. Both of them are good when it comes to keeping you sane in this crazy world. However, if you only have time for just one option, which one should you choose? If you are confused about what you should choose between the two, here is a short introduction to junk journal vs scrapbook keeping. Hopefully, after you finish reading this, you will be able to choose the right hobby for you, or at the very least, which one you should do first. What is Scrapbooking? Scrapbooking is one of the many ways for you to organize, preserve, and present your memories. Although the process is called scrapbooking, the product can take the form of books, boxes of knick-knacks, or cards. The typical memento used for scrapbooks can include photographs, article clippings, receipts, napkins, and basically anything that can help you remember that day or event. A scrapbook is a book with blank pages where you can stick newspaper clippings, photographs, and other objects. What is Journaling? A journal is a written record of a person’s intimate thoughts and feelings. There are no set rules for journaling. However, most people consider it a part of their daily routine. They often keep a journal to keep track of their daily lives, thereby helping them figure out just what triggers their emotions and reactions. When you were a teen, you might have kept a diary of some sort hidden underneath your mattress. You treat it as a way ...

Everything You Need to Know about Stamping

We've compiled the most frequently asked questions about stamping in one place! From basic questions for beginners, to specifics for stamping-pros, we have your question answered. Use the right hand bar on the side to find your question and go directly to it, or scroll down to read all of the answers and, perhaps, learn something you didn't know! Have a question that we didn't answer? Ask it at the bottom of this article and we'll do our best to answer! What's the difference between clear and rubber stamps? Clear stamps are transparent, so you can see completely through them. There are two types: exactly where your stamp will be positioned on your paper or project. You can stamp or emboss with acrylic stamps. Shop our Exclusive Photopolymer Designer Stamp Sets What is the difference between Photopolymer Stamps and Acrylic Stamps? Photopolymer stamps and Acrylic stamps are both unmounted clear stamps that can be used with stamping blocks, stamping platforms and presses, and more. Both are made out of a plastic material, which makes them easy to store, easy to clean, and more affordable than rubber varieties. Photopolymer stamps are typically a higher quality of stamp, as the material is more flexible, created crisp stamp impressions, and is less likely to warp, crack, and lose quality over time. On the other hand, Acrylic stamps are often less expensive but are more prone to cracks, fissures, and degradation. Why is my ink beading up on my stamp? When you press your stamp o...

What Is Scrapbooking? Crafting 101

The History of Scrapbooking Scrapbooking as a hobby has been around since the 15th and 16th centuries. In its early stages, scrapbooking was simply a collection contained in a book. These collections could include recipes, greeting cards, snippets of paper memorabilia, tickets, or playbills. In the 1980s, scrapbooking as we know it today started as an off-shoot of the Mormon's desire to preserve their family and religious history. As the idea spread, it reached a mass audience of home photographers who wished to record and preserve their families' memories for the future. Marielen W. Christensen of Elk Ridge, Utah, is the woman credited with modernizing scrapbooking. She's the author of "Keeping Memories Alive," and she opened a scrapbook store in Spanish Fork, Utah, in 1981. The hobby became especially popular from 2001 to 2005, and it was a $2.5 billion industry with over 1,600 companies creating scrapbooking products by 2003. The rise of bloggers has likely helped it grow in popularity, and digital scrapbooking is also popular, allowing people to share online and print hard copies. Scrapbooking Today Scrapbooking is popular because it lets people document their families' lives and socialize with others while crafting. There are even gift books to do so—Project Life is a system offers a quicker, simpler way to document activities and milestones and involves binders with a variety of pages (some paper, some photo sleeves and other adornments that go with them).

What is Scrapbooking? – The Awesome Ladies Project

Scrapbooks come in all shapes and sizes. Whatever your style (and whomever you are), there is a way for you to turn photos, words, and your favorite paper supplies into scrapbooks that represent your right-now life. You can create meaningful art, sharing your stories in a way that captures your life in a completely unique way. Scrapbooking has been around forever. We’ve been putting pictures and stories in books since we’ve had pictures and stories to put into books. Scrapbooking has evolved over the years into the modern scrapbooking we know today. Today there are hundreds of thousands of products created specifically for scrapbooking; from patterned paper to washi tape to puffy stickers and more. Scrapbookers are also adiverse group of humans. You choose how scrapbooking works for you. Maybe you want to create a big traditional 12×12 style scrapbook album — perfect for sitting on the couch and flipping through on your lap. Maybe you’re more of a mini-album girl; documenting each of her special adventures in its own unique book. Perhaps you’re the type of scrapbooker who loves pocket pages and documenting her day-to-day life. Or maybe yet, you love planning and calendars and your perfect scrapbook is a planner with some photos, journaling and your favorite paper supplies. It’s okay if you don’t know the answer right now, or even a year from now. The best way to learn which type of scrapbooking works best for you is to try it out. Make a few traditional scrapbook layouts, ...

What is the Purpose of Scrapbooking?

So, Casey has a box of paraphernalia stowed away at her friend’s place back in her hometown, and in it are her old scrapbooks. Upon learning this, I couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Is there any point to scrapbooking beyond the fun of using glue & paper in art class?’ Scrapbooking is a creative means to accurately preserve the best parts of your life. As a hobby, it incorporates several fun aspects including collecting and organizing memorabilia, arts and crafts, and social interaction. As a documenting activity, it produces insightful history for future generations. What is the Main Point of Scrapbooking? Turns out, there’s much more to scrapbooking than I’d thought. The main point of compiling a scrapbook is to accurately contextualize your memorabilia for future generations. Think of it as YOUR journal or diary entries made for OTHERS. Scrapbooking combines photos, captions, and souvenirs to create a meaningful historical narrative. In other words, if you’re not there to explain your photo album, others will still be able to figure out who’s who and what’s what. The Secondary Purpose There’s also another secondary purpose to scrapbooking. It lets you share memories in a creatively freeing way, along with a sense of community. In terms of creative freedom, no other journaling or documenting pastime provides as much of an outlet as scrapbooking does. For example, at its peak in 2004, the scrapbooking industry was worth a whopping $2.5 billion US! Enthusiasts were hoarding up ne...