Who among the following was associated with bishnoi movement

  1. Bishnoi
  2. Bishnoi community model: an Indian Ecological Feminist approach to environment protection
  3. Bishnoi Movement 1730: Cause, Effect and Result
  4. Bishnoi: Not Just a Community, a Belief System that Supports an Environmental Commitment

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Bishnoi, renowned as the “India’s first environmentalists”, is a Hindu sect found in Western Thar desert, Rajasthan, and northern parts of India. The name Bishnoi (bish means twenty, noi means nine) has its roots coming from the 29 tenets put forth by their prophet, Guru Jhambheshwar (born 1451). He belonged to the higher ranks of the society by being a Khastriya, the second highest at the caste system. However, he made an unprecedented move to abolish the caste system altogether. The impact of this commendable move has continued ever since. Guru Jhambheshwar advocated the protection of trees and wildlife. He prophesied that harming the environment means harming oneself. His 29 tenets include a ban on killing animals and felling green trees and providing protection to all life forms. The community is also directed to be careful about the firewood they use, which should be devoid of small insects. Image source : The tenets proposed demands great care for nature. Any form of activity that results in harming the environment is banned outright. Of the 29 tenets, ten are related to personal hygiene and maintaining good basic health. Seven of them are about healthy social behavior and five tenets about the worship of God. The Bishnois are directed to have pity to all forms of living beings and to love them. Animals such as goats and sheep are provided a common shelter to avoid them being slaughtered or attacked by wild animals. Also, the community is directed to see that the fir...

Bishnoi community model: an Indian Ecological Feminist approach to environment protection

Purpose As a solution to these crises, bringing back the feminine sensitivity can become a welcome change. The Bishnoi community, in particular, propagated Eco-feminism for the cause of the environment. Therefore, this paper aims to study the community in detail along with suggesting a Bishnoi Environment Protection Model as an Indian indigenous solution to the global environmental problems. Design/methodology/approach The method of obtaining information was a detailed questionnaire-based interview along with multiple focus group discussions. The interviews were conducted with the women who belong to the Bishnoi community and who are actively taking forward the ethos of their community. Interviews were conducted across a span of different villages to cover a different portion of the Bishnoi population. Adding to this, multiple focus group discussions took place in the temple, wild-life protection center, Self-help group women's households, community meetings. Research limitations/implications The research limitation of this paper is that it is a field study-based research wherein the research findings are the outcomes of personal interviews with the village community people. The limitation, therefore, lies in the simplicity of the research arguments put forward in this paper. The implication of this research would be to challenge the dominant research paradigms in the field of Eco-feminism and Climate Change and bring grass root narratives to the forefront. Practical impli...

Bishnoi Movement 1730: Cause, Effect and Result

What is the Bishnoi movement? • This was one of the Major Environmental Movement of India. • The Bishnoi society is India’s leading environmentalists at that time, who inspired the Chipko movement in 1973. • Amrita Devi Bishnoi and some Bishnoi villagers of khejarli, Marwar (in Rajsthan) are the leading protestors of this heroic movement. Why did this happen? • The Maharajah (King) of Jodhpur decided to construct a new palace in 1730, nearly 300 years after 29 principles were recorded by Guru Jambaji. He sent troops from the woodlands near the village of Khejarli, where villagers from Bishnoi contributed to the promotion of abundance of khejri (acacia) trees. • They refuse the king’s men to cut the tree in their village this results in 363 peoples along with Amrita Devi were killed for trying to protect the tree. • For their sacrifices towards the environment, wildlife, Green living Bishnois considered the first environmentalist in India. • Amrita and Some Bishnois face severe death but this idea gives inspiration to the next generation and helped to make chipko movement successful

Bishnoi: Not Just a Community, a Belief System that Supports an Environmental Commitment

Narender Bishnoi in Delhi, India responds to the following questions: How do you address environmental issues in your community? and How do your values and/or belief systems support your environmental commitments? The key issue raised in the paper, at the outset, is formulated in the fundamental questions: Whether there should be mutual co-existence of various forms of life inhabiting our ecology? Whether within this space all living being including animals and trees have right to survive? In order to gather traces of evidence in connection of these questions, one may venture into the practices of a small community, namely Bishnoi, spread over the north-western state of India whose belief system has recognized and assimilated the natural co-existence among all the species including flora and fauna. The community’s love for plant and animal lives are all too known. They have been conserving the flora and fauna for centuries even at the cost of sacrificing their lives to protect the environment. For these nature loving people, protection of environment, wild life and plants is a part of inherited parcel of their sacred traditions. Bishnoi is not just a community but it manifests itself in a simple and scientific way of living. Any person who follows 29 rules laid down by revered Guru Jambheshwar is Bishnoi. Out of 29 rules of Bishnoism, 6 rules are dedicated to environment. In this regard, a remarkable historical tale is often told in the folklore of Rajasthan, wherein unima...