Who is number one moto blogger in the world

  1. From Disabled & $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors

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From Disabled & $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors

I overcame being beaten up and bullied as a teen to build multiple million dollar plus companies in my 20s. In my 30s, a rare health disorder severely disabled me, and I battled against the odds to regain my health so that I could help my pregnant wife with her fight against cancer. When it was all over, we were delivered from hardship, and I had become a pro blogger. I want you to know who I really am. Every “about page” I see talks about how great the person is and what they have accomplished in business. My close friends and family have seen me on top of the world running multi-million dollar businesses. They have also seen me mentally and physically disabled, watching helplessly as I faded away. This is my story, and I hope that it gives you an idea of who I really am. Making Money Mowing Grass and Investing in Cards As a kid, I spent every dollar I made on calculated investments in baseball and football cards. I knew the value of every card, and I kept each one pristine. Other kids walked out of K.B. Toys with action figures. I walked out with boxes of baseball card rack packs. In December, I used my hard-earned lawn mowing cash to buy every 1984 Topps Football rack pack I could get my hands on, depleting every single store in the area. Years later, I would turn that $300 investment into $20,000 to pay for my college education. Beaten But Not Broken My freshman year in high school was the roughest year of my young life. I felt like I had a target on my back walking th...