Why is quantum computing potentially a better fit for weather forecasting than classical computers?

  1. Quantum computing: what is it, what can it do, and…
  2. Using Quantum Computing to Tell the Weather
  3. Why is quantum computing potentially a better fit for weather forecasting than classical computers?
  4. Quantum Machine Learning May Improve Weather Forecasting
  5. Quantum Predictions: Weather Forecasting with Quantum Computers
  6. A Quantum Advantage in Fighting Climate Change
  7. BASF, PASQAL to Use Quantum Computers For Weather Prediction

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Quantum computing: what is it, what can it do, and…

Quantum computing is one of those technologies that futurists often joke is always a couple of decades away. It’s true that it will be a decade or two before the technology reaches maturity (in widespread use in business), but there are already opportunities for some organisations to gain early experience and benefit today. But to do that, you need a basic understanding of what quantum computing is. The ‘quantum’ difference Quantum computing is completely different from today’s ubiquitous digital computers. It exploits the properties of quantum physics (the physics of subatomic particles) to perform calculations and simulations that would not be practical on a non-quantum machine. The power of the quantum computer comes from the fact that it’s not limited to binary bits (the ones and zeros of traditional computer processors). Instead, it uses quantum bits, or qubits, that can represent a one, a zero, or both at once – a ‘superposition state’ that encompasses a near infinite spectrum of probabilities. This means quantum computers approach problems very differently – essentially attacking them concurrently rather than sequentially. They manipulate the properties of First generation quantum computers When thinking about today’s quantum computers, I find it useful to draw an analogy with the evolution of digital computers. Just as in the early days of classical computing, quantum machines are characterised by being complex, unwieldy and need to be managed carefully. They use c...

Using Quantum Computing to Tell the Weather

By Kerry Taylor-Smith Dec 14 2018 Shutterstock/aapsky Quantum computing has the potential to change the world and disrupt every industry by providing the opportunity to solve incredibly intricate problems that modern-day supercomputers just can’t achieve – including the potential to map extremely complex weather patterns. Difficulties Involved in Accurate Weather Prediction Forecasting the weather can be difficult – no forecast will ever be 100% accurate, but it’s hard to be exact with predictions, especially when the weather is considered changeable and the information available is limited. Advanced warnings of wild weather are necessary to minimize the impact of catastrophic events and the ensuing devastation and loss, but current models can only predict regional-scale weather events such as snowstorms and hurricanes, not more localized events such as thunderstorms. The computing power necessary to keep an eye on the whole globe and predict when an innocent-looking storm might become dangerous just isn’t available – many of the world’s largest supercomputers are already dedicated to weather forecasting but in order to achieve greater accuracy, they need even more computational brute force. Could the advent of quantum computing change this? What are Quantum Computers? Related Stories • • • Quantum computing is not yet commercially viable and is still in its infancy, but it has massive potential. Quantum computers are machines that make use of the unusual properties of mat...

Why is quantum computing potentially a better fit for weather forecasting than classical computers?

Why is quantum computing potentially a better fit for weather forecasting than classical computers? A. It can perform advanced simulations more efficiently. B.It can be easily installed at locations around the globe. C. It can function efficiently when stored at high temperatures. D.It can store extensive data for better pattern recognition. Answer: A. It can perform advanced simulations more efficiently. Quantum computing is potentially a better fit for weather forecasting than classical computers because it can perform advanced simulations more efficiently. Weather forecasting involves complex simulations that model the behavior of the atmosphere and require vast amounts of computing power to process. Quantum computing has the potential to significantly reduce the computational complexity of these simulations by allowing for more efficient processing of large and complex datasets. In particular, quantum computers can efficiently perform operations on a large number of variables simultaneously, which can reduce the time and resources required to simulate weather patterns. This can potentially lead to more accurate and timely weather forecasts, which can have significant benefits for a variety of industries and applications. However, it is important to note that quantum computing is still in its early stages of development, and there are significant technical and practical challenges that must be overcome before it can be effectively applied to weather forecasting and othe...

Quantum Machine Learning May Improve Weather Forecasting

Rigetti engineers are exploring solutions to a weather modeling problem using quantum computers. (Brian McGowan on Unsplash) PRESS RELEASE — Rigetti Computing, a pioneer in hybrid quantum-classical computing, announced today it has developed an effective solution to a weather modeling problem using quantum computers. Building on existing machine learning workflows, the company applied a combination of classical and quantum machine learning techniques to produce high-quality synthetic weather radar data and improve classical models for storm prediction. The work was performed on Rigetti’s 32-qubit system, demonstrating that practical applications are within reach for near-term quantum hardware. “These results set the stage for achieving quantum advantage on a high-impact, operationally relevant problem,” said Chad Rigetti, founder and CEO of Rigetti Computing. “We’ve shown that quantum computers can be integrated effectively into state-of-the-art classical workflows and perform tasks with real-world significance.” Private weather forecasting in the United States is a $7 billion industry and growing, according to a 2017 study by the National Weather Service. The study estimates that businesses could derive as much as $13 billion in economic value from tailored weather data for a variety of weather-related applications. It also suggests that continued improvements in weather forecasting could lead to significant gains in economic value across all sectors, as businesses and go...

Quantum Predictions: Weather Forecasting with Quantum Computers

How can the use of quantum computers improve weather forecasting? Accurate Weather Forecasting is Difficult Forecasting the weather can be difficult. In weather prediction, it is hard to get 100% accuracy especially when the weather is considered changeable and the information available is limited. Advanced warnings of wild weather are necessary to minimize the impact of catastrophic events and the ensuing devastation and loss, but current models can only predict regional-scale weather events such as snowstorms and hurricanes, not more localized events such as thunderstorms. Thus, there is a requirement of computing power to keep an eye on the whole globe and predict when a simple storm might become dangerous. But this is not available. Many of the world’s largest supercomputers are already dedicated to Quantum Computers for Improved Weather Forecasting on Both the Local and Global Scale Quantum computing will serve to benefit weather forecasting on both the local scale as well as on a grander scale for more advanced and accurate warning of extreme weather events, potentially saving lives and reducing property damage annually. Beyond weather prediction, to stay informed on the state of quantum computing and its increasing impact on a variety of industries, keep up to date with the 1QBit blog, and follow us on social media. Quantum computing has the potential to improve conventional numerical methods to boost tracking and predictions of meteorological conditions by handling...

A Quantum Advantage in Fighting Climate Change

Climate change has created a conundrum: even though many countries have a clear economic (and survival) The same is true for corporate efforts. The COP25 negotiations in Madrid displayed the lack of global consensus; hope now turns to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, as well as to the COP26 negotiations in Glasgow, to spark much-needed action. The lack of near-term political progress puts increasing focus on technological solutions that can either decisively improve the economics of current zero-emission technologies or contribute to the development of new ones. Quantum computing could be one such solution. Although it cannot be a substitute for short-term action, it can deliver critical relief in the medium term. Quantum Advantage Because quantum computers employ distributed probability amplitudes rather than work through sequential yes–no decisions, they have the potential to solve problems that are far beyond the reach of today’s machines. As one of the fathers of quantum computing, Richard Feynman, put it, “Nature isn’t classical, dammit, and if you want to make a simulation of nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanical.” For example, if applied to current low-emission technologies, quantum computing could contribute to solutions that change how we generate and store power; how we build houses, cars, ships, and airplanes; how we power transportation; and even how we design long-standing industrial processes such as cement, steel, and fertilizer manufactu...

BASF, PASQAL to Use Quantum Computers For Weather Prediction

PRESS RELEASE — PASQAL, a full stack manufacturer of neutral atoms quantum processors, today announced a collaboration with BASF, the world’s largest chemical company, for weather and other computational fluid dynamics applications. BASF has begun to explore how PASQAL’s proprietary quantum algorithms could one day be used to predict weather patterns. The learnings from this project can build a foundation for future extensions of PASQAL’s methods to support climate modeling. Physics-based weather models are highly complex as they incorporate data on winds, heat transfer, solar radiation, relative humidity, terrain topology, and many other parameters. Weather forecasting therefore requires solving complex sets of nonlinear differential equations. “PASQAL’s quantum solutions are ideal for simplifying BASF’s complex computational simulations once quantum hardware matures to a point where we can actually leverage these algorithms,” said Dr. John Manobianco, Senior Weather Modeler at BASF’s Agricultural Solutions division. “Leveraging PASQAL’s innovation for weather modeling validates quantum computing’s ability to go beyond what can be achieved with classical high-performance computing. Such transformational technology can help us prepare for climate change impacts and drive progress toward a more sustainable future.” PASQAL aims to solve the underlying complex nonlinear differential equations in a novel and more efficient way by implementing so-called quantum neural networks ...

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