Wifi pineapple

  1. Capturing WPA/WPA2 Handshakes with WiFi Pineapple
  2. Wireless Hacking with the Wifi Pineapple 🍍
  3. Settings

Download: Wifi pineapple
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Capturing WPA/WPA2 Handshakes with WiFi Pineapple

This guide is assuming that you have already setup a WiFi Pineapple, and are logged into the administration portal. This is what the administrative portal should look like once logged in (minus the dark theme which was installed by me). Choose the Manage Modules option on the left menu navigational bar. Click the Get Modules from WiFiPineapple.com button to populate the Modules on the page. As you can see from the screenshot below the Available Modules will load so you can select Install on the left side of the screen. The module we want to install is called SiteSurvey. The SiteSurvey module allows the tester to view Access Points around with information such as: SSID, MAC, Encryption method, Cipher, Authentication method, Channel, Frequency, and Signal Quality. As well, with starting capture on the Access Point and Deauthentication on the Access Point. Once the SiteSurvey module is installed a new Module item will be installed on the navigational menu. Choose the SiteSurvey module, and additional dependencies will need to be installed. It is recommended to install the module to the Internal storage. There are reports of having linking issues on the SD card storage. Once the dependencies are installed new menu items will be shown under the SiteSurvey module. Before we can scan we need to specify the interface to be used. For this purpose I used the wlan1. Remember that the Pineapple Nano has two interfaces. To find out what Access Ports (AP) are currently nearby we can sca...

Wireless Hacking with the Wifi Pineapple 🍍

Wifi Penetration testing was always something I wanted to pick up. I recently got my hands on the hardware for it thanks to a mentor of mine which enabled me to perform a range of wireless attacks in my home lab environment! If you're interested in setting up your own Wifi Pineapple, check out my in-depth guide over on Capturing Wireless Handshake Like every other penetration test, this starts with recon too! The first step to the attack would be to identify our "target". In this case, I will be attacking my own network. Recon Like every other penetration test, this starts with recon too! The first step to the attack would be to identify our "target". In this case, I will be attacking my own network. Scanning • Access the Recon Tab • Setup Scan Settings and Run Scan • Running Scan Targetting Once the scan is left to run for a short period of time, multiple targets should start popping up (As seen below). All these networks are the ones that are in the range of the Wifi 🍍. Target Network Here's my network which I'm gonna be attacking! (shown below) It's evident that one client is currently authenticated with the network. The MAC address of the client is shown right below the router's MAC. Attacking Now that we have our target and have verified that there are clients connected to it, we can conduct a deauth attack on the network and listen for handshakes destined to the network. Deauthenticating clients from a network will force them to reconnect to it. While the reconnectio...


From the main Settings page, you can configure the password and timezone and button script. On the second row of cards, you can view the currently mounted file systems and connected USB devices. On the bottom row, you can check for software updates, change the UI theme and configure the device for Hak5 Cloud C².