Abcd alphabet

  1. Phonetic alphabet tables
  2. The German Alphabet (das deutsche Alphabet)

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Phonetic alphabet tables

Phonetic alphabet tables - Alpha Bravo Charlie Phonetic Alphabet Tables Useful for spelling words and names over the phone. I printed this page, cut out the table containing the NATO phonetic alphabet (below), and taped it to the side of my computer monitor when I was a call center help desk technician. An alternate version, Western Union's phonetic alphabet, is presented in case the NATO version sounds too militaristic to you. I was inspired to recreate this page and post it online when I overheard a co-worker say "L, as in Log" over the phone. Western Union Phonetic Alphabet Letter phonetic letter A Adams B Boston C Chicago D Denver E Easy F Frank G George H Henry I Ida J John K King L Lincoln M Mary N New York O Ocean P Peter Q Queen R Roger S Sugar T Thomas U Union V Victor W William X X-ray Y Young Z Zero Make Your Own Think you can improve upon the above? Try the new Phonetic Alphabet Conversion Utility NATO Western Union Phonetic-to-Normal

The German Alphabet (das deutsche Alphabet)

The alphabet The German alphabet is very similar to that of English but it has four letters that English does not have: ä, ö, ü and ß. In English, to make the pronunciation and spelling of a word clear, we say "B as in burger" but in German they use names to spell and those names are fixed. Letter Pronunciation Word a [a:] Anton b [be:] Berta c [tse:] Cäsar d [de:] Dora e [e:] Emil f [εf] Friedrich g [ge:] Gustav h [ha:] Heinrich i [i:] Ida j [jοt] Julius k [ka:] Kaufmann l [εl] Ludwig m [εm] Martha n [εn] Nordpol o [o:] Otto p [pe:] Paula q [ku:] Quelle r [εr:] Richard s [εs] Samuel t [te:] Theodor u [u:] Ulrich v [fau:] Viktor w [ve:] Wilhelm x [iks] Xanthippe y [ypsilεn] Ypsilon z [tsεt] Zacharias ä A-Umlaut Ärger ö O-Umlaut Ökonom ü U-Umlaut Übermut Eszett or scharfes S -- • the ß does not exist in Swiss German and is substituted for with ss. • Do not confuse • If your keyboard does not have ä, ö, ü and ß, you can use ae, oe, ue and ss instead, respectively. List of punctuation signs and writing symbols It is very useful to know how to say the following in German: Punctuation signs, different parenthesis and some symbols frequently used such as the at sign and asterisk. Zeichen sign . der Punkt point , das Komma comma ; das Semikolon semicolon : der Doppelpunkt das Kolon colon ... die Auslassungspunkte ellipsis ? das Fragezeichen question mark ! das Ausrufezeichen exclamation mark " das Anführungzeichen quotation marks ' der Apostroph apostrophe das Leerzeichen space (...