Colab google

  1. Google Colab Tutorial for Data Scientists
  2. Import data into Google Colaboratory

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Google Colab Tutorial for Data Scientists

Working on a data science project is always exciting - whether you're a data science enthusiast looking to get started, or a data scientist with years of experience. However, setting up your working environment, installing requisite packages, safe storage of all project files, and overcoming the computing limitations of your machine can often be challenging. In this guide, you'll learn how Google Colab can help simplify and supercharge your data science workflow. Table of Contents: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • What is Google Colab? Google Colab is a cloud-based Jupyter notebook environment from Google Research. With its simple and easy-to-use interface, Colab helps you get started with your data science journey with almost no setup. If you're interested in data science with Python, Colab is a great place to kickstart your data science projects without worrying about configuring your environment. Google Colab facilitates writing and execution of Python code right from your browser, and also comes with some of the most popular Python data science libraries pre-installed. In the subsequent sections, you'll learn more about Google Colab's features. Creating your first Google Colab notebook The best way to understand something is to try it yourself. Let's start by creating our very first colab notebook: • Head over to • Once you've signed in to Colab, you can create a new notebook by clicking on 'File' → 'New notebook', as shown below: After you've created a new notebook, ...

Import data into Google Colaboratory

An official example notebook demonstrating local file upload/download and integration with Drive and sheets is available here: The simplest way to share files is to mount your Google Drive. To do this, run the following in a code cell: from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') It will ask you to visit a link to ALLOW "Google Files Stream" to access your drive. After that a long alphanumeric auth code will be shown that needs to be entered in your Colab's notebook. Afterward, your Drive files will be mounted and you can browse them with the file browser in the side panel. Here's a Files in your Drive won't be shared if you share the notebook. The user will still need to mount their own drive, which is separate. You can share the files with that user if needed, but all of that is controlled by normal Drive ACLs. Sharing a Colab notebook shares only the notebook, not the Drive files referenced in that notebook. Do not train on the data in mounted google drive. First copy the data to local drive and then train on it. It will be nearly 10 times faster. For faster copy, make sure the data files are big archives or a number of smaller ones. For example:- Do not use 100000 image files. Use 100 archives of 1000 images each. This way uploading to google drive is also faster and so is the copying from google drive to colab step 1- Mount your Google Drive to Collaboratory from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/gdrive') step 2- Now you will see your Goo...