Flex box in css

  1. CSS Flex Layout
  2. Visual CSS flexbox builder
  3. Basic concepts of logical properties and values
  4. CSS flex

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CSS Flex Layout

CSS Flex Layout CSS flex layout (Flexible Box) allows elements within a container to be auto adjust depending upon the screen size. Flexbox design comes with several css style properties that makes flex item adjustable. It is hard to remember all properties and understand behaviour. This tool helps us to understand the flexbox rules. Two primary parts of flexbox are: 1) Flexbox container - Parent element that holds all flex items item 1 item 2 ... 2) Flexbox items - direct child elements under the flex container item 1 item 2 ... Flex Container properties are display: make container flexible justify-content: align all flex items on the main axis align-items: align all flex items on the cross axis flex-direction: this can change axis direction to horizontally, vertically and reverse order flex-wrap: force to display flex items into single or multiple lines align-content: align flex item when flex-wrap is set to multiline flex-flow: shorthand property of 'flex-direction' 'flex-wrap' Flex Item properties are order: replace flex item position in the item list align-self: align self and override parent alignment style flex-grow: increase item self size to remaining available space flex-shrink: shrink flex item size relative to remaining item size flex-basis: initial size of flex item in px, % etc flex: shorthand property of 'flex-grow' 'flex-shrink' 'flex-basis' Flexbox vs Gridflexbox can use when you have to arrange elements in a one direction like listview, navbar links. G...

Visual CSS flexbox builder

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Basic concepts of logical properties and values

CSS traditionally has sized things according to the physical dimensions of the screen. Therefore we describe boxes as having a width and height, position items from the top and left, float things left, assign borders, margin, and padding to the top, right, bottom, left, etc. The start and end as opposed to left and right/ top and bottom. An example of why these mappings might be needed is as follows. I have a Layout using CSS Grid, the grid container has a width applied and I am using the align-self and justify-self properties to align the items. These properties are flow relative — justify-self: start aligns the item to the start on the inline dimension, align-self: start does the same on the block dimension. If I now change the writing mode of this component to vertical-rl using the writing-mode property, the alignment continues to work in the same way. The inline dimension is now running vertically and the block dimension horizontally. The grid doesn't look the same, however, as the width assigned to the container is a horizontal measure, a measure tied to the physical and not the logical or flow relative running of the text. If instead of the width property we use the logical property inline-size, the component now works the same way no matter which writing mode it is displayed using. You can try this out in the live example below. Change writing-mode from vertical-rl to horizontal-tb on .grid to see how the different properties change the layout. When working with a...

CSS flex

Default value: nowrap Inherited: no Animatable: no. animatable Version: CSS3 JavaScript syntax: object.style.flexWrap="nowrap" Browser Support The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the property. Numbers followed by -webkit- or -moz- specify the first version that worked with a prefix. Value Description Play it nowrap Default value. Specifies that the flexible items will not wrap wrap Specifies that the flexible items will wrap if necessary wrap-reverse Specifies that the flexible items will wrap, if necessary, in reverse order initial Sets this property to its default value. initial inherit Inherits this property from its parent element. inherit Related Pages CSS Tutorial: CSS Reference: CSS Reference: CSS Reference: CSS Reference: CSS Reference: CSS Reference: HTML DOM reference: