
How To turn off disappearing messages meaning in hindi. WhatsApp Disappearing Messages Feature को Off करने के लिए निचे दिए गए steps को फॉलो करे. जिस User के chat पर यह Disappearing Messages Off करना चाहते हैं उसके chat को.

164 51K views 2 years ago WhatsApp's disappearing messages feature is finally here, and you can start using it. You can use this feature if you want messages to disappear automatically after.

Here, you’ll see the alert message, which reads “Contact XYZ turned on disappearing messages.”. When the feature is on, you’ll also see a small clock next to the person’s profile picture in the chat. If the clock isn’t visible, the feature isn’t enabled. You can also check it by looking at the disappearing messages toggle in one.

Here, you’ll see the alert message, which reads “Contact XYZ turned on disappearing messages.”. When the feature is on, you’ll also see a small clock next to the person’s profile picture in the chat. If the clock isn’t visible, the feature isn’t enabled. You can also check it by looking at the disappearing messages toggle in one.