
Anastrozole lowers estrogen levels by preventing the synthesis of estrogen from adrenal androgens (primarily androstenedione and testosterone). Anastrozole does this by inhibiting the enzyme aromatase, which converts these androgens into estrogen. This slows the growth of tumors that require estrogen to grow.

Breast reduction surgery, reduction mammoplasty, or simply mammoplasty are all names for a surgical procedure to reduce the size and weight of the breasts. During the procedure, a surgeon removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to make the breasts smaller.

You're considered to have a testosterone deficiency or low testosterone (also known as low-T) when your levels are less than 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), according to AUA; other.

Correct option is B) Rainfall decreases from the east to the west in Northern India because there is a decrease in the moisture content of the winds. As the moisture-bearing winds of the Bay of Bengal branch of the southwest monsoon move further and further inland, the moisture gradually decreases and results in low rainfall when moving westwards.

The Bay of Bengal branch of the monsoon winds moves towards northeast and return westwards covering the northern plains. While they move towards west, their moisture contains tends to reduce with subsequent rains. Hence the rainfall decreases from east to west in northern India. For more answers visit to website:

Rainfall in the Western Cape is low due to the high altitude, wide latitude and cool climate. Why Does The Rainfall Decrease From The East To The West In Northern India Write Three Points. The reason why the rainfall decreases from the east to the west in Northern India is due to the difference in the supply of rainfall.

The rainfall decreases from east to the west in Northern India because monsoon rises from both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, which causes heavy rainfall in the Brahmaputra valley and the Assam hills.

A Vernier caliper’s least count is calculated by dividing the very smallest measurement on the main scale by the total divisions of the Vernier Scale. There is also a formula that can be used to calculate the least count on the calipers.

Although it is present in men, prolactin is best known for its role in enabling women to produce breast milk. Prolactin levels increase after a woman gives birth. In addition to its role in breast milk production, these high prolactin levels can also stop menstrual periods (and bring a decrease in sexual desire) while a woman breastfeeds.