Traffic signals chart

  1. Road Signs And Their Meanings
  2. SCDOT Traffic Signals: Manuals, Specifications, and Information
  3. US Road Signs: Traffic Sign Encyclopedia

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Road Signs And Their Meanings

As drivers, especially those new to the big open road, road signs are going to be one of the most prevalent things you’ll need to pay attention to while driving – that is, of course, second to the other drivers on the road with you. While those of us who’ve been driving for a while have figured out and learned what all the signs we see mean, the number of signs used can be a bit intimidating for a new driver. Now, you might have already learned about them in your To help you out, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to list them all here. We’ll also add an in-depth description of their meaning to provide easy access for those wanting to study up on them a bit more. Need To Take An Online Traffic School Course? Why are Road Signs Important? Before we go into every road sign, let’s have a quick review of its importance. Why do we have to go through each of them in the first place? Road signs are there to serve as a warning to all road users to ensure they are safe from potential driving hazards and situations. They also help regulate the flow of traffic among vehicles, as well as other road users – pedestrians and cyclists, for example. You can even include animals here. Are you curious to know who decides to put up these signs? Each state municipality will first commission an engineer This engineer will then study the location where the sign is to be placed and gauge its usefulness in that particular location. Once the study has concluded and the need for the sign is documented, i...

SCDOT Traffic Signals: Manuals, Specifications, and Information

(922 kb) Traffic Signal Specifications These are the Special Provisions and Traffic Signal Specifications for Traffic Signal Installation. The special provisions/specifications describe in detail the SCDOT installation, rebuild, or revision procedures and requirements that will need to be followed for all traffic signal installation projects. (926 Kb) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Effective May 1, 2011, SCDOT adopted the 2009 edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) as its official traffic control manual. This manual is the guideline for SCDOT's policies and procedures on installing and maintaining signs, markings, and signals in South Carolina. The MUTCD may be viewed online at the (PDF 6.75 Mb) – Updated 12/10/2020 Traffic Signal Design Guidelines SCDOT's Traffic Signal Design Guidelines has been revised and the revisions are effective as of January 1, 2021. The purpose of this document is to establish guidance, procedures and specifications that promote uniformity in the design of traffic signals. It is intended to clarify expectations and expedite the production and review of signal plans. These design guidelines include signal plan drafting guidance and specialized signal designs to ensure that plans properly convey the extent and character of the work to be performed, as well as the operation of the signal upon completion of the project.

US Road Signs: Traffic Sign Encyclopedia

Roadway signs in the United States come in different colors: red is only used on stop, yield and prohibition signs. Regulatory signs always have white background, and yellow is used to convey a general warning message. Green signs refer to permitted traffic direction or movement, and fluorescent yellow or green is reserved for pedestrian crossings and school zones. Coral can be found on incident management signs, brown guides you to public recreation or cultural interest sites, orange road signs are used for warning and guidance in roadway work zones, and blue signs guide you to road user services, tourist info or evacuation routes. Standards for the design and application of the signs shown here are outlined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).