Translate in hindi

  1. FREE English to Hindi Translation
  2. Translate english to hindi
  3. English–Hindi Translator

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FREE English to Hindi Translation

इंग्लिश टू हिंदी - Our English to Hindi translation tool is powered by Google Translation API. You can start typing on the left-hand text area and then click on the "Translate" button. Our app then translates your English word, phrase, or sentence into Hindi. The translation only takes a few seconds and allows up to 500 characters to be translated in one request. Although this translation is not 100% accurate, you can get a basic idea and with few modifications, it can be pretty accurate. This translation software is evolving day by day and Google Engineers are working on it to make Hindi translation more intelligent and accurate. Hopefully, one day it will produce near to perfect translation! The Hindi language is widely spoken. More than there is no point paying for commonly used sentences, greeting messages, and other informal use. For these purposes, this tool can be used. You can copy the translated text and then share them either on social media such as Facebook, Twitter or email it to your friends or family. If you have any suggestions, and the translated sentence is way too funny then please share with us on our Facebook page. Finally, don't forget to give us a like and share it on Facebook with your loved one. English sentence and phrase will be translated into Hindi meaning. For E.g. typing: "India is multicultural country" will be translated into "भारत बहुसांस्कृतिक देश है" Use our translator tool as English to Hindi dictionary. For E.g. "Cumin" meaning in Hindi...

Translate english to hindi

About our English Hindi Translation system This English to Hindi Translation system is powered by our own machine translation software running on our servers. You can type the text you want to translate in the input text box, and then click on the “Translate” button. The server will then then translate the text your have provided - English word, phrase, sentence, or paragraphs - into Hindi. The translation process takes a very short time, generally less than a few seconds, and translates the text in a single request to our server. The translation results are generally very accurate, but not 100% accurate. Our translation system has been designed with a very large amount of English Hindi translation data. The translation results can give you an overall idea of what the text is about, and with a few modifications, the translation can be quite accurate. Our software is being improved continuously and with your continued support, we will be able to make our neural machine translation for English to Hindi more accurate. Our languages are very rich, and have a lot of nuances that the computer programs cannot easily understand, but we do hope that with time, the quality will only get better. Our goal is to work on translation from English and other international languages to Indian languages. We already support twelve Indian languages. Among these, the Hindi language is the most widely used Indian language in the world. Almost 350 million people speak Hindi as their native langua...

English–Hindi Translator

English definitions Choose from corpus-informed dictionaries for English language learners at all levels. They’re ideal for anyone preparing for Cambridge English exams and IELTS. The English dictionary includes the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, and the Cambridge Business English Dictionary. The Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary is perfect for intermediate learners.