What is the use of iframe in html

  1. HTML Iframes (With Examples)
  2. The ultimate guide to iframes
  3. What Is iFrame?
  4. From object to iframe — other embedding technologies
  5. How does iframe work?
  6. An Introduction to HTML Iframe: Iframe Example
  7. What Is an Iframe? [+ How to Embed Content With Iframes]

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HTML Iframes (With Examples)

The HTML tag is used to embed a webpage within a webpage. It is also called an inline frame. For example, Browser Output Here, • src: It is used to specify the URL of the website to be loaded. • title: It is good practice to include a title attribute so that screen readers can read the title to users. Other Attributes for There are some importat attributes for . They are: • height and width • name • srcdoc We will explore each of them in detail. height and width We can set the height and width of the element with the height or width attribute. For example, We can also use CSS to set the width and height of the using the style attribute. For example, It is important to add height and width to allocate space on the webpage for the iframe. It prevents content from moving when the iframe loads. name The name attribute is used to specify the name for an iframe. It can be used as a target for other HTML elements like the tag. For example, Switch to Programiz Pro Browser Output (Before Clicking the link) Browser Output (After clicking the link) Here, clicking the tag changes the URL of the target instead of the current window. srcdoc Instead of a website URL, we can send HTML directly to the iframe, which will be displayed instead of another website. For example, Learn to code"> Browser Output

The ultimate guide to iframes

Follow Nada is a JavaScript developer who likes to play with UI components to create interfaces with great UX. She specializes in Vue.js and loves sharing anything and everything that could help her fellow frontend web developers. Nada also dabbles in digital marketing, dance, and Chinese. The ultimate guide to iframes January 23, 2020 10 min read 3014 The iframe element (short for inline frame) is probably among the oldest HTML tags and was introduced in 1997 with HTML 4.01 by Microsoft Internet Explorer. Even though all modern browsers support them, many developers write endless articles advising against using them. I believe that their bad reputation should not prevent you from relying on them. They have many legitimate uses cases. Besides, it’s not that hard to secure them, so you won’t have to worry about your user’s computer becoming infected. To help you form your own opinion and sharpen your developer skills, we will cover all the essentials you should know about this controversial tag. We’ll go through most of the features the iframe element provides and talk about how you use them, as well as how iframe can be useful for overcoming some tricky situations. Finally, we’ll talk about how you can secure your iframe to avoid potential vulnerabilities. What is an iframe, and when do you use it? Developers mainly use the iframe tag to embed another HTML document within the current one. You may have crossed paths with it when you had to include a third-party widget (like...

What Is iFrame?

Themeisle content is free. When you purchase through referral links on our site, we earn a commission. Engaging users in today’s digital content landscape involves eye-catching online advertisements, videos, graphics, and other forms of interaction. This is why it’s helpful to have some familiarity with iFrames. If you don’t, keep reading! This article will take a closer look and answer the question “what is iFrame?” All about iFrame When you want to incorporate content from an external source into your own website, you can use an iFrame, also called an Inline Frame, to do so. You can embed iFrames practically anywhere, from articles to website It works like an additional window on the page by displaying content from other websites. This can include anything that enriches your content and encourages user interaction, such as How to insert an iFrame element Using the tag in an HTML file allows you to embed an iFrame element. One of the most popular uses of iFrame is to display a video from YouTube. Here’s what the embed code looks like: This code snippet demonstrates how to use YouTube iFrame tag to embed a specific video by providing a video ID. The height, width, and frame border are also some of the additional factors that can be customized. The script that loads your YouTube video player will use these settings. 👉 Let’s take a look at every tag individually: • For the video to play within the iFrame, you’ll need to use the ... tag. • The src attribute indicates that t...

From object to iframe — other embedding technologies

• Previous • Overview: Multimedia and embedding • Next By now you should really be getting the hang of embedding things into your web pages, including images, video and audio. At this point we'd like to take somewhat of a sideways step, looking at some elements that allow you to embed a wide variety of content types into your webpages: the , and elements. s are for embedding other web pages, and the other two allow you to embed external resources such as PDF files. Prerequisites: Basic computer literacy, Objective: To learn how to embed items into web pages using , , and , like PDF documents and other webpages. A long time ago on the Web, it was popular to use frames to create websites — small parts of a website stored in individual HTML pages. These were embedded in a master document called a frameset, which allowed you to specify the area on the screen that each frame filled, rather like sizing the columns and rows of a table. These were considered the height of coolness in the mid to late 90s, and there was evidence that having a webpage split up into smaller chunks like this was better for download speeds — especially noticeable with network connections being so slow back then. They did however have many problems, which far outweighed any positives as network speeds got faster, so you don't see them being used anymore. A little while later (late 90s, early 2000s), plugin technologies became very popular, such as , and the lesser-used , and they were very useful at th...

How does iframe work?

If you want to embed external content like video or audio on your website, inline frames (iframes) have proven extremely useful for that. The tags provide a simple and elegant solution to accommodate external content in a HTML document. Often, website visitors won’t even notice that they’re viewing external content. But how do you add an iframe? Generally, a website is a single HTML document. To insert additional elements, one must use a frame which make it easy to embed documents, images or even videos. In the past, this was resolved by using normal HTML frames, but these are no longer in use nowadays. Instead, iframe tags have emerged as a popular choice to embed third-party content. The content inside an iframe is separated which means that it is loaded separately and can be navigated independently from the rest of a website. That’s one of the reasons why inline frames are used to integrate content and components from other websites, such as YouTube videos or Google Maps. Even social media plug-ins or specific apps can be incorporated via iframes, as well as HTML documents. For the frame to be correctly filled out, you need to specify the following attributes: • src: Source of the content to be embedded, specified in the form of a URL. • width: Width of the frame which can be specified in pixels or percent. • height: Height of the frame which can be specified in pixels or percent. • name: Name of the specific frame. • sandbox: Connects the inline frame with specific sec...

An Introduction to HTML Iframe: Iframe Example

HTML barely needs any introduction, given its massive application worldwide. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, the most widely used language for developing web applications. HTML provides several tags that are can be used in almost any use case of a web application. One such tag is the tag; this tag is used for embedding a document within a document. For example, embedding maps on a webpage or a youtube video on a web site. This article aims to focus on the HTML Iframes tag and its implementation. It is an important HTML tag since many web applications need embedded elements like maps, web advertisements, etc. HTML is critical for web development, and if you’ve ever thought about choosing web development as a career path, you’d unquestionably have come across this language. And that’s probably why you are here in the first place. Here are the key topics we will be looking into in this article: • What is an HTML Iframe Tag? • Implementation of on a Web Page What is an HTML Iframe tag? HTML is nothing but the tags that it constitutes. HTML has a tag for almost every element that you can think of adding to a web page. is one of the important tags often used to embed other documents like web pages, maps, etc. The iframe in HTML stands for Inline Frame. The tag defines a rectangular area within the current document or web page. The web browser can display another document within the current page, including the scrollbars and borders. Like every other tag, the tag ...

What Is an Iframe? [+ How to Embed Content With Iframes]

Embedded videos can add a lot of value to your pages. They help engage, inform, and delight your visitors, as long as they appear seamless with your other content. Also, YouTube is a If you want to embed YouTube videos — or any type of embeddable content — in your own website's iframe element. No, iframe is not an Apple product for holding your pictures. It’s an important page element that allows for much of the cross-site compatibility we see online today. Here’s what you need to know: An iframe, short for inline frame, is an HTML element that contains another HTML document within it. The iframe element is specified with the iframe tag. It may be placed anywhere in an HTML document, and thus anywhere on a web page. Iframes are most often used to embed specific content from one web page — like a video, form, document, or even a full web page — within a different web page. This is a powerful capability in HTML — you can take any content from any website (with permission) and place it on your own site to enhance your content. This video explain in more detail exactly what an iframe is and what it does. How to Make an Iframe To use an iframe, we use the HTML tag. This tag requires a src (source) attribute, which specifies the URL of the HTML file to be embedded on the parent page. In its most basic form, an iframe looks like this in HTML: A simple piece of functional iframe HTML code looks like this: This code will embed a web page onto its parent page: This embedded page ...

Tags: What is the use