Which situation is a current example of quantum computing

  1. Current Status and Next in Quantum Computing
  2. Quantum Computing Is Coming, And It’s Reinventing The Tech Industry
  3. The qubit in quantum computing
  4. First quantum computer to pack 100 qubits enters crowded race

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Current Status and Next in Quantum Computing

Quantum computing promises to dramatically impact numerous fields, from cybersecurity to finance, from supply chain to pharmaceuticals, and from defense to weather forecasting. The challenge forquantum bits (qubits)is to make them increasingly stable in order to optimize performance. Platforms with more than 1,000 qubits will appear in the coming years, with several companies like “Nature is made of tiny particles — atoms, electrons, and even smaller subatomic ones,” said Nir Minerbi, CEO and co-founder of According to Minerbi, the key principles of quantum theory that have direct implications for Eric Mounier, director of market research at Yole Intelligence, part of Yole Group, said that R&D is still very active and will continue to be as quantum technologies are definitively strategic for the future. “For example, Xanadu [Canada] reported quantum advantage in June and showed 216 squeezed-state qubits; it made its capabilities available to the public through the “Commercial quantum computers are already available,” said Minerbi. “These computers are made of qubits and quantum gates. There are various technologies used to create qubits and thus various kinds of qubits: superconducting qubits, trapped ion qubits, photonic qubits, and several others. There is a lot of research into improving the quality of qubits and gates, the software algorithms that take advantage of unique quantum properties, and methods to create larger-scale quantum computers.” According to Mounier, q...

Quantum Computing Is Coming, And It’s Reinventing The Tech Industry

Most quantum computers rely on the “quantum bit” or qubit. Unlike traditional bits in a computer, which are set to 0 or 1, qubits can be set to zero, one or a superposition of 0 and 1. Though the mechanics behind this is highly complex, qubits allow quantum computers to process information in a fraction of the time a traditional computer could. To offer an idea of the scale, 500 qubits can represent the same information as 2^500 normal bits. While a typical computer would need millions of years to find all the prime factors of a 2,048-bit number (a number with 617 digits), a quantum computer can do the job in minutes. 1998 saw the development of a two-bit quantum computer, which serves as a proof of concept for the technology. Further developments have increased the bit count and reduced the rate of errors. Researchers believe that problems currently too large to be solved by traditional computers can be solved using quantum computers. Recent developments Given the substantial improvements that quantum computing can provide to computing power, research into quantum computers has been going on for decades. However, important breakthroughs have been seen in recent years. Last week, Australian engineers announced the discovery of a way to control electrons within quantum dots that run logic gates without the need for a large, bulky system. This could help with building quantum computers that are reasonably sized. Also, researchers at MIT recently developed an architecture for...

The qubit in quantum computing

In this article Just as bits are the fundamental object of information in classical computing, qubits (quantum bits) are the fundamental object of information in quantum computing. To understand this correspondence, this article looks at the simplest example: a single qubit. Representing a qubit While a bit, or binary digit, can have a value either $0$ or $1$, a qubit can have a value that is either $0$, $1$ or a quantum superposition of $0$ and $1$. The state of a single qubit can be described by a two-dimensional column vector of unit norm, that is, the magnitude squared of its entries must sum to $1$. This vector, called the quantum state vector, holds all the information needed to describe the one-qubit quantum system just as a single bit holds all of the information needed to describe the state of a binary variable. Any two-dimensional column vector of real or complex numbers with norm $1$ represents a possible quantum state held by a qubit. Thus $\begin R_x(\beta)R_z(\gamma)R_x(\delta)$. Thus $R_z(\theta)$ and $H$ also form a universal gate set although it is not a discrete set because $\theta$ can take any value. For this reason, and due to applications in quantum simulation, such continuous gates are crucial for quantum computation, especially at the quantum algorithm design level. To achieve fault-tolerant hardware implementation, they will ultimately be compiled into discrete gate sequences that closely approximate these rotations.

First quantum computer to pack 100 qubits enters crowded race

Buy or subscribe IBM’s newest quantum-computing chip, revealed on 15 November, established a milestone of sorts: it packs in 127 quantum bits (qubits), making it the first such device to reach 3 digits. But the achievement is only one step in an aggressive agenda boosted by billions of dollars in investments across the industry. • Arute, F. et al. Nature 574, 505–510 (2019). • Zhong, H.-S. et al. Science 370, 1460–1463 (2020). • Wu, Y. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 180501 (2021). • Egan, L. et al. Nature 598, 281–286 (2021). • Chen, Z. et al. Nature 595, 383–387 (2021). Related Articles • Quantum computer race intensifies as alternative technology gains steam • Hello quantum world! Google publishes landmark quantum supremacy claim • Beyond quantum supremacy: the hunt for useful quantum computers • Subjects • •