Airtel payment bank ka ifsc code

  1. Airtel Payments Bank Limited Branches IFSC Code: Find all IFSC Code, MICR Code for Airtel Payments Bank Limited in India
  2. Airtel Payment Bank Ifsc Code
  4. List of All Airtel Payments Bank Branches

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Airtel Payments Bank Limited Branches IFSC Code: Find all IFSC Code, MICR Code for Airtel Payments Bank Limited in India

Airtel Payments Bank Limited IFSC Code: The facilities let you transfer money from one bank account to another in a matter of hours by just filling in the beneficiary's bank details and the IFSC Code. Since there are a good number of banks with an equally good number of branches in India, they all get a code of their own so there would not be any confusion. That is where the Indian Financial System Code (IFSC) comes in. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) assign 11 digit alphanumeric code to each bank are unique, that helps to identify a particular bank and branch. The first four characters of the code will always represent the name of the bank, the fifth character is always a zero, and the remaining six characters will either be alphabets or numbers that stand for the branch code. How to Search for Airtel Payments Bank Limited IFSC Code and MICR Code? If you want to know the IFSC Code of Airtel Payments Bank Limited and its branch, you can visit the website of the Airtel Payments Bank Limited. Apart from that, the IFSC Code can also be found at the top of the Airtel Payments Bank Limited cheque or printed on the first page of your Airtel Payments Bank Limited passbook. Another way to look for the IFSC codes or MICR Code is using IFSC Finder Tool . Here you can find the IFSC codes for all bank branches registered on the NEFT network at the click of a button. Just choose Airtel Payments Bank Limited, State, City, Branch using drop down Once you have done so, the IFSC ...

Airtel Payment Bank Ifsc Code

आज कल हर जगह बैंकों की छोटी-छोटी शाखाएँ खुल गयी हैं इनमे एयरटेल पेमेंट बैंक भी है Airtel Payment Bank के रिटेलर हर जगह मिल जायेंगे जो कि लोगों का कुछ मिनटो में खाता खोलकर डिजिटल पेमेंट का लेन देन शुरू कर देते हैं इससे दूर दराज और गाँव के लोग भी डिजिटल पेमेंट करना सीख गए है और वह कहीं भी पैसे भेज सकते और मगा सकते हैं लेकिन किसी कम्पनी फर्म या फिर CSC से पैसे डलवाने पर बैंक अकाउंट और IFSC कोड पूँछा जाता है तो पता ही नही होता आपकी जानकारी के लिए बता दें IFSC CODE 11 कैरेक्टर का एक कोड होता है जो की पैसे भेजते समय बैंक की पहचान के लिए होता है इसकी फुल फॉर्म Indian Financial System Code होता है इसलिए इस पोस्ट में Airtel Payment Bank Ifsc Code और Airtel Payment Bank Account Number और Ifsc Codeबताने से पहले आपको बता दें यह तेजी से बढ़ने वाला डिजटल पेमेंट बैंक है जिसके करोड़ों में Users हैं तथा देश भर में इसकी लाखों शाखाएँ हैंAirtel Payment Bank Ifsc Code आप कई तरह से ऑनलाइन जान सकते हैं जैसे की Airtel Thanks App Download कर लीजिये वहाँ से निकाल सकते हैं ऑनलाइन इन्टरनेट बैंकिंग से निकाल सकते हैं यहाँ आपका Account Balance दिया गया है जो की स्टेप 4 में एरो द्वारा बताया गया है इसके नीचे आपका नाम और नाम के सामने आपका Account नम्बर दिया गया है चूँकि आपको मोबाइल नम्बर दिखता होगा ये मोबाइल नम्बर ही एयरटेल पेमेंट बैंक में खाता नम्बर होता है इसके ठीक नीचे एयरटेल पेमेंट बैंक का IFSC CODE दिया हुआ है जो की इस प्रकार है AIRP0000001 इसके नीचे आपका ATM CARD दिया गया है तो इस डिटेल का आप चाहे तो स्क्रीन शार्ट ले लीजये या नोट कर लीजिये. Airtel Payment Bank का Account Number and Ifsc Code इस प्रकार...


You will need an 11-digit IFSC Code for doing any online transfer of money using net banking services such as IMPS, RTGS, and NEFT system of your AIRTEL PAYMENTS BANK LIMITED. IFSC Code is an Indian Financial System Code having numeric or alphanumeric value. The easiest way to find the IFSC Code of your AIRTEL PAYMENTS BANK LIMITED is to check it on the chequebook or chequebook leaves provided by the bank. In case you do not have immediate access to your AIRTEL PAYMENTS BANK LIMITED chequebook, you can check the same below. What is IFSC Code? Indian Financial System Code, most termed as IFSC, is an 11-digit alphanumeric character that is used to transfer money online using digital services such as NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer), IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) or RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement). The first portion of the eleven-character IFSC code is composed of four letters representing the bank, the next character (fifth) is zero reserved for future use, and the last 6 characters are the identification code of the branch. IFSC can be found on the chequebook provided by the banks or on the front page of the bank account holder's passbook. In case you are using netbanking to transfer money, it is mandatory for the IFSC to be entered to initiate the transfer. Unless there is merger, banks do not modify or change the IFSC code. FAQ'S ON IFSC • What is an IFSC? Indian Financial System Code, commonly known as IFSC is a unique eleven-digit number which is used to t...

List of All Airtel Payments Bank Branches

Airtel Payments Bank has 1 branch in 1 state / union territory of India. To search Airtel Payments Bank branches details like branch IFSC Code, MICR Code, Phone Number, Bank Toll Free Number, Branch Address, Branch Timings or Email Id, follow the below steps. • Select state name from dropdown list which says "Select State" or click on the state name from the list of states below Airtel Payments Bank branch locator tool. • Once selected state from dropdown or list of states, you will be redirected to page with list of districts in the selected state where the Airtel Payments Bank has branches. • Select the district name from dropdown or list under tool and you will be redirected to the selected district page. • District page will show you list of Airtel Payments Bank branches in the selected district. Select the branch from the dropdown or click on the branch name under Airtel Payments Bank branch locator to view branch details like IFSC code, MICR code, branch address, email id, contact number and other useful information. DISCLAIMER: All information provided on e.g. IFSC / MICR codes, phone / fax / toll free numbers, holidays, email / website, articles etc is collected from various online available resources and it is for information purposes only . We make best of our efforts to keep the information updated and accurate. We will not be responsible for any sort of discrepancies and shall not be responsible for any loss and/or damage that may arise from...