Border design

  1. Border Design: 8 Tips & Modern Examples

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Border Design: 8 Tips & Modern Examples

Border Design: 8 Tips & Modern Examples On: 29 Jul 2022 By: Category: Length: 5 min read Graphic designers have been using borders for as long as they have been designing things. And they’re a fun element to play with. We’re taking a look at eight border design concepts (most of them you can actually download as project starters), along with tips for usage and some examples that you can try in projects. Sometimes a great border can help separate your design for other elements, such as around the perimeter of an ad. Other times, a border can serve as an element to help break up different parts of a design, or frame messaging or content. While borders are most frequently thought about in terms of print design, they can be a valuable digital design tool as well. A good border defines a space so that users know where a design begins and ends. (Pretty simple, right?) A simple lined ink border can create a distinct edge on a project with a bit of a funky flair, especially with ink elements that have a tattoo-style design. This border style often features a simple and subtle pattern that repeats around the edge of the design. Often the design is a single color – typically black or white – depending on the background. While these styles often have a delicate nature in isolation, they don’t often have a distinct masculine or feminine feel and usually take on the properties of surrounding elements. Tip for using this border style: Look for patterns that repeat closely. From a distan...