Communication skills notes 1st semester pdf

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Reading Skills.pdf

Page 1 : AVR ACADEMY, READING SKILLS, , 20 Effective Reading Strategies For Students, Reading is an exercise for your mind. It is a way of turning a text into meaning, and then understanding it to interact with it through a message. To make your, reading more effective, you may make a sense of what you read. Often you, unconsciously lose the meaning in between, which causes a sense within, yourself to make use of effective reading strategies. Here are a few effective, reading strategies for you:, , Based on Critical Reading Strategies, Critical reading of a text means to read from your own perspective, apart from, what the writer has painted it for you. So, this rational way of reading can be, considered as the beginning of true learning and personal development. Here are, a few effective critical reading strategies for you:, 1. Previewing, It means to attain pre-knowledge about the text, before starting to read it, which, may save you time. It may be done by researching:, , , , , Who is the author?, What is the author’s purpose?, Who is the audience?, , 2. Contextualizing, Contextualizing or researching the text involves exploring the historical, cultural, and biographical frame of references of the text., , 1 Page 2 : From a wider perspective, it means that you should try to differentiate between, your own understandings of the text with that of some other person’s, as an, understanding of a text may vary from time to time and place to place., , 3. Inquisition, It is ...