Continuous cough in kids

  1. Childhood asthma
  2. Dry cough in kids: Treatment and when to see a doctor
  3. Child's Cough: Types and When to See a Doctor
  4. Chronic Cough: Causes & Treatment
  5. Coughs in Children: Causes and Treatment
  6. Pediatric Chronic Cough
  7. Cough in Children

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Childhood asthma

Overview In childhood asthma, the lungs and airways become easily inflamed when exposed to certain triggers. Such triggers include inhaling pollen or catching a cold or other respiratory infection. Childhood asthma can cause irritating daily symptoms that interfere with play, sports, school and sleep. In some children, unmanaged asthma can cause dangerous asthma attacks. Childhood asthma isn't a different disease from asthma in adults, but children face unique challenges. The condition is a leading cause of emergency department visits, hospitalizations and missed school days. Unfortunately, childhood asthma can't be cured, and symptoms can continue into adulthood. But with the right treatment, you and your child can keep symptoms under control and prevent damage to growing lungs. Symptoms Common childhood asthma symptoms include: • A whistling or wheezing sound when breathing out. • Shortness of breath. • Chest congestion or tightness. • Frequent coughing that worsens when your child: • Has a viral infection. • Is sleeping. • Is exercising. • Is in the cold air. Childhood asthma also might cause: • Trouble sleeping due to shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing. • Bouts of coughing or wheezing that get worse with a cold or the flu. • Delayed recovery or bronchitis after a respiratory infection. • Trouble breathing that hampers play or exercise. • Fatigue, which can be due to poor sleep. Asthma symptoms vary from child to child and might get worse or better over time. You...

Dry cough in kids: Treatment and when to see a doctor

Several conditions may cause a dry cough in a child, including infections, allergies, and irritant exposure. Dry coughs may occur independently or with other symptoms such as fever or fatigue. Keep reading for more information on what can cause a dry cough in children, how to treat it, and when to speak with a doctor. Share on Pinterest The common cold, pertussis, and asthma can cause a dry cough in children. Coughing is a natural defense mechanism the body uses to clear the airway and remove microbes and foreign objects. People often produce Many things can cause dry cough in children, and its treatment depends on the cause. Taking note of other symptoms accompanying the cough can help identify its cause. If a child feels like they are struggling to breathe, their caregiver should contact emergency services immediately. In some cases, a caregiver can help prevent a dry cough by taking preventative measures. These may include getting the child appropriate vaccinations or avoiding exposure to allergens or irritants. If a caregiver is not sure what is causing the cough, they may want to talk with the child’s doctor to get a diagnosis. Types of infections Viral infections invade the cells in the airway. This causes irritation and inflammation that may lead to coughing. A child may catch a virus from inhaling particles in the air or through close contact. Common cold According to the Influenza ( flu) The flu can cause complications like Symptoms include Pneumonia A child may d...

Child's Cough: Types and When to See a Doctor

• A fever of 100.4 F or higher in an infant 2 months old or younger • A fever of 102 F or higher in a child of any age • • Excessive crankiness or sleepiness • Labored breathing (e.g., nostrils widening with each breath, wheezing, fast breathing, or shortness of breath) • Loss of appetite or thirst, with signs of dehydration (such as urinating less often) • Persistent • Severe headache • Worsening general health Never give a child OTC medicines that are meant to be taken by adults. Kids under the age of 2 should not be given OTC cold medicines that have a decongestant or antihistamine in them because they can cause a rapid heart rate and/or convulsions. If you have older children, ask your pediatrician about which products are safe to give them for a cough. Summary A child's cough can be a common symptom of an illness that isn't serious, but it can also be a sign of a more pressing problem. If in doubt, call your child's healthcare provider. They will ask you to describe what the cough sounds like—or may even have you hold your phone up so they can hear your child's cough. • Children’s Health. " • Nemours Foundation. • Welte T, Ambrose LJ, Sibbring GC, Sheikh S, Müllerová H, Sabir I. Eur Respir Rev. 2021;30(159):200384. doi:10.1183/16000617.0384-2020 • Cleveland Clinic. • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. • U.S. Food and Drug Administration. • Landstra AM, Postma DS, Boezen HM, Van Aalderen WMC. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002;165(5):708-712. doi:10.1164/ajrccm.165.5.2102...

Chronic Cough: Causes & Treatment

A chronic cough is a cough that doesn’t go away. Common causes for chronic cough include asthma, postnasal drip and acid reflux. Treatment depends on the underlying cause. If you’re an adult with a cough that’s lasted more than two months or if your child’s cough lasts more than four weeks, you should contact a healthcare provider to find out why. Overview What is chronic cough? Chronic cough is a How common is chronic cough? Chronic cough affects 10% to 20% of the U.S. population. It’s one of the most common reasons why people visit their healthcare providers every year. What are the symptoms of chronic cough? Some chronic cough symptoms are more common and less likely to be serious, such as: • A stuffy or • Postnasal drip (tickle in the back of your throat). • • • More serious chronic cough symptoms include: • Weight loss without effort. • • • • A drenching Call a healthcare provider right away if you develop any of the symptoms listed above. Possible Causes What does chronic coughing indicate? Chronic cough can develop alongside a number of other health conditions. People who • • • • • • You can also develop chronic cough from exposure to dust and chemicals or as the result of hypersensitivity in your airway. What causes chronic cough? The most common chronic cough causes include asthma, postnasal drip and GERD. These conditions account for up to 90% of all chronic cough cases. Other chronic cough causes include: Respiratory conditions Respiratory conditions that can ca...

Coughs in Children: Causes and Treatment

Causes of Cough in Children A cough is usually a sign that your child's body is trying to rid itself of an irritant. Common causes of cough include: • Infection. Colds, • Acid reflux. Symptoms in children may include • Asthma can be tough to diagnose because symptoms vary from child to child. But a wheezing cough, which may get worse at night, is one of many signs. The other may be a cough that appears with increased physical activity or during play. Treatment for • Allergies or sinusitis can cause a lingering cough as well as an itchy throat, • Whooping cough , also called pertussis, is marked by back-to-back • Other reasons children cough. A child may also cough out of habit after having been sick with a cough, after inhaling a foreign object like food or a small toy, or after being around irritants like pollution from cigarettes or fireplace smoke. Call 911 If Your Child: • Is unconscious or not breathing • Is gasping for breath • Is choking • Has • Has severe • Can't cry or talk because of breathing trouble • Grunts when breathing • Has blue lips or fingernails • May have a small object caught in their throat • Is breathing very fast (this is also a symptom of fever) • Looks very sick Call Your Doctor If Your Child: • Is younger than 1 year old and still has trouble breathing after you cleaned out their nose • Is younger than 4 months with a rectal temperature above 100.4 F. (Do not give fever medicine to infants.) • May have a • Is wheezing or making a high-pitched wh...

Pediatric Chronic Cough

What is a Pediatric Chronic Cough? A cough is a reflex to clear the airways of irritants, infections or mucous in the respiratory tract. While it’s not unusual to have a cough multiple times throughout the year, when it interferes with everyday activities and/or sleep or lasts more than a month, your child’s pediatrician will want to find out the root cause. What are the different types of Pediatric Chronic Cough? Coughs can be categorized as “wet” or “dry” depending on what type of illness causes them. Wet Cough A wet cough is a productive cough that brings up mucous. Many children have difficulty coughing the mucous all the way out, however, and will often cough it up to the level of the throat and then swallow it, where it will be passed through the gastrointestinal tract. Dry Cough A dry cough doesn’t produce mucous and feels more like an irritation or tickle in the throat. One type of dry cough is a “barking cough,” which can be caused by croup (a viral infection that causes swelling of the vocal cords), allergies or acid reflux. Some parents describe the cough as sounding like a seal’s bark. How is Pediatric Chronic Cough diagnosed? Your child’s health care provider will listen to the type of cough and ask questions about it to narrow the causes. They will want to know: • How it sounds • How long it's been going on • What triggers it or makes it better • When it occurs • Whether it's been treated yet with any medications • Whether someone in the house smokes What are...

Cough in Children

Share this page: • • • • • As a parent, hearing your child cough may make you feel uneasy. Yet an occasional cough doesn't always mean there is a problem. Cough protects your child's body by removing mucus, irritating substances and infections from his or her respiratory tract. Children can cough several times a day or have coughing episodes lasting up to a couple of weeks if they have viral infections. However, coughing that lasts more than two to three weeks should prompt a visit to your physician. Acute Cough in Children (Lasting Two Weeks or Less) The majority of children have brief repeated periods of coughing due to viral upper respiratory tract infections, such as the common cold. Healthy preschool children in day care can have up to eight viral respiratory infections with a cough every year, each lasting about 10 days. Infrequently, a cough occurs because of a foreign body in the airway. This may occur after an episode of choking, but sometimes the choking episode might not be noticed, especially in younger children. See your physician quickly if you think this is possible. Chronic Cough in Children There are many different causes for a persistent or chronic cough in children. Asthma Most children with asthma have inflamed or swollen airways, which commonly cause wheezing. But sometimes the only symptom is a cough that is made worse by viral infections, or this cough happens while your child is asleep, or may be triggered by exercise and cold air. Nasal and Sinus D...