Define arthritis

  1. Arthritis: What it is, Symptoms, Causes, and More
  2. What Is Arthritis?

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Arthritis: What it is, Symptoms, Causes, and More

Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that may affect one joint or multiple joints. The symptoms of arthritis usually develop over time, but they may also appear suddenly. There are Osteoarthritis (OA) is the • rheumatoid arthritis (RA) • psoriatic arthritis (PsA) • gout The typical age for developing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is between ages 30 and 50. It can, however, affect children, teens, and younger adults. Osteoarthritis (OA) commonly develops after the age 50 or 60 years, but there are studies that reveal radiographic evidence of OA occurring in women in their 40s. It also tends to be more prevalent in individuals who are overweight. Joint pain, stiffness, and swelling are Other symptoms of osteoarthritis • limited range of motion that sometimes goes away after movement • clicking or popping with bending • muscle weakness around the joint • instability or buckling of the joint • bony growths in the fingers • grating or scraping feeling in the knees Other symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis • morning stiffness that can last 30 minutes or more • more than one affected joint • onset in smaller joints like feet and hands • same joints on both sides of the body are affected • fatigue • low-grade fever • inflammation of the eyes and mouth • inflammation of the heart muscle and blood vessels • low red blood cell count Arthritis may be • wear and tear of a joint from overuse • age (OA is most common in adults over • injuries • obesity • autoimmune disorders • genes or fa...

What Is Arthritis?

By Linda Rath | Updated June 9, 2022 Arthritis isn’t a single disease; the term refers to joint pain or joint disease, and there are more than 100 types of arthritis and related conditions. People of all ages, races and sexes live with arthritis, and it is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. It’s most common among women, and although it’s not a disease of aging, some types of arthritis occur in older people more than younger people. Common arthritis symptoms include swelling, pain, stiffness and diminished range of motion in joints. Symptoms vary from mild to severe and may come and go. Some may stay about the same for years, but symptoms can also progress and get worse over time. Severe arthritis can result in chronic pain, difficulty performing daily activities and make walking and climbing stairs painful and grueling. Arthritis can also cause permanent joint changes. These may be visible, such as knobby finger joints, but often the damage can be seen only on X-rays. Some types of arthritis affect the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys and skin as well as the joints. Types of Arthritis Osteoarthritis There’s also a growing consensus that inflammatory OA is one of several subtypes of osteoarthritis. Other subtypes include OA associated with: • • Work-related damage from physically demanding jobs, such as farming and construction • Lifestyle factors, including Although the prevalence of OA tends to increase with age, it’s not an inevitable part of growing older. You can h...


Overview What is post-traumatic arthritis? Post-traumatic arthritis is inflammation in your joints that forms after you’ve experienced a trauma. It develops quickly after an injury instead of over years of wear and tear like other forms of It’s usually a temporary issue, and many people recover in a few months. Sometimes, post-traumatic arthritis last longer and becomes a chronic (long-term) condition. It’s rare, but you might need surgery if your symptoms are severe and limit your quality of life. Most people can manage their post-traumatic arthritis with lifestyle changes and exercise, often as part of their recovery plan from their original injury. What is the difference between post-traumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis? Post-traumatic arthritis is a type of osteoarthritis that’s caused by an injury like a Who does post-traumatic arthritis affect? Anyone can be affected by post-traumatic arthritis because it’s caused by traumas and injuries. Unlike most forms of arthritis, post-traumatic arthritis is more common in younger people — including kids and teens — than older adults. How common is post-traumatic arthritis? Post-traumatic arthritis affects more than 5 million people every year. It’s around 10% of all osteoarthritis cases. You’re seven times more likely to develop arthritis in an injured joint than people who’ve never experienced trauma to their joint. How does post-traumatic arthritis affect my body? Post-traumatic arthritis causes stiffness and pain in your ...