Dhanurasana procedure

  1. Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)
  2. Dhanurasana(Bow Pose): How to Do, Benefits and Precautions
  3. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) Steps, Health Benefits and Precautions
  4. Dhanurasana
  5. Perform Ardha Dhanurasana (half Bow Pose) To Boost Energy
  6. Dhanurasana: How To Do The Bow Pose In Yoga And Its Astounding Health Benefits

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Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

The name Dhanurasana comes from the Sanskrit words धनुर (dhanur) meaning “bow”, and आसन (āsana) meaning “posture” or “seat”. From a prone position, the feet are grasped to lift the legs and chest to form the shape of a bow with the body, the arms representing the bowstring. This pose is so called because it looks like an archer’s bow. • Lie on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your arms by the side of your body. • Fold your knees, take your hands backward and hold your ankles. • Breathing in, lift your chest off the ground and pull your legs up and back. • Look straight ahead with a smile on your face. • Keep the pose stable while paying attention to your breath. Your body is now curved and taut as a bow. • Continue to take long deep breaths as you relax in this pose. But bend only as far as your body permits you to. Do not overdo the stretch. • After 15 -20 seconds, as you exhale, gently bring your legs and chest to the ground. Release the ankles and relax. • Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas) • Strengthens the back muscles • Improves posture • Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck • Good stress and fatigue buster • Relieves menstrual discomfort and constipation • Helps people with renal (kidney) disorders

Dhanurasana(Bow Pose): How to Do, Benefits and Precautions

[table id=23 /] Dhanurasana is an intermediate level back-bending pose, that helps in developing core and stretches out the entire back, especially the lower back. This asana is an excellent exercise to increase the strength and flexibility of the back. It stimulates Manipura Chakraand reduces Kapha Dosha. Dhanurasana mainly focuses on the following muscles. • Arms and shoulders • Chest and neck • Back and core • Hamstrings and Hips • Knees and thighs This asana is especially helpful for those who stand or sit for a prolonged time. This pose is a great way for them to soothe and stretch their back and legs, after such a long period of hunching over. The Bow Pose is the 8th pose among the 12 basic Hatha Yoga Poses. It is also a preparatory pose for many intense and deeper backbend practices. Like many other Yoga Asanas, the reason behind naming it Bow Pose is the shape of the body while performing it. When you perform Dhanurasana/Bow Pose, your body looks like an archer’s bow. Your torso and legs look like the body of the bow, and your arms resemble the string of the bow. Now, let’s see how you can perform this asana. How to Perform Dhanurasana/Bow Pose ? In this posture, the practitioner lies at his/her stomach and then bends the knees. After that, the practitioner stretches his/her arms to hold the ankles of the feet. Here are the detailed steps to perform this asana easily. Preparing the Asana • Lie down flat on the yoga mat on your belly. • Place your hands by the sides...

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) Steps, Health Benefits and Precautions

Dhanurasana Dhanurasana consists of two words: Dhanu means ‘bow’ and Asana indicates a Yoga pose. Thus the name is ‘the Bow Pose’ because, in the final position, the body resembles a bow. In this pose, the abdomen and thigh representing the wooden part of the bow whereas legs lower parts, and arms representing the bowstring. This is all about the definition of Dhanurasana. This is one of the important Yogic postures, which is known for many health benefits and advantages such as weight loss, strengthening the lower back, treating asthma, making your entire spine flexible and supple, and so on. One can get the finest description of Bow Pose from Gherand Samhita: While lying on the ground, stretch your legs as straight as sticks. Catch hold of your feet with your hands behind the back. Adjust your body so that it takes the shape of a bow. Roll to and fro. This is Dhanurasana according to Yogis. (Verse 1:19) How to do Bow Pose Yoga How to perform Dhanurasana is a very simple procedure. The different techniques and steps of doing the Bow pose are being given below: Steps for Dhanurasana • First of all, lie down in a prone position • Exhale, bend your knees, and hold the ankles with hands • While inhaling raise the thighs, head, and chest as high as possible • Try to maintain the weight of the body on the lower abdomen. Join the ankles. Look upward and breathe normally. • While exhaling, bring down the head and legs up to the knee joint. Maintain this position as long as you ca...


‍ What is Dhanurasana? Before we talk about the steps of Dhanurasana and its benefits, it is important to know the meaning of this asana. Dhanurasana is a deep back-bending pose of hatha yoga that makes your body take the shape of a bow. Also known as the Bow Pose, it gets its name from Sanskrit words ‘ dhanur’ meaning bow and ‘ asana’ meaning posture. Dhanurasana yoga pose finds a mention in the 19th-century texts. This asana is usually done before the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) and the Upward-Facing Dog Pose (Yrdhva Mukha Svanasana). The asanas that follow Dhanurasana include the Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasna) and Wheel Pose ( Urdhva Dhanurasana). While doing yoga bow pose works on the muscles in your: • Upper, lower and middle back • Gluteus • Hamstrings • Biceps and triceps • Arms and shoulders • Core How is Dhanurasana done? To gain the benefits of the Dhanurasana yoga pose and prevent muscle strain and injuries, it is important to perfect its form. Here is a detailed explanation of Dhanurasana steps: • To begin the Dhanurasana pose, lie on your stomach keeping your feet apart. • Your arms must be at the side of your body. • Fold your knees slowly and take your hands backwards and grab your ankles. • Take a deep breath in and lift your chest off the ground while pulling your legs towards the back. • Keep your gaze ahead. • Hold the pose for 15-20 seconds. • To release the pose, exhale deeply and bring your legs and chest to the ground. Which are s...

Perform Ardha Dhanurasana (half Bow Pose) To Boost Energy

Introduction : In this post, you will get to know more about ardha dhanurasana or half bow pose. Meaning of Ardha Dhanurasana: This is a Sanskrit Name for Yoga Poses, Postures and Asana English Name for this Yoga Pose, Posture and Asana is Half Bow Pose. Persons who can’t do Ardha Dhanurasana/ Half Bow Pose: Recent or chronic injury to the legs, hips, neck or arms; pregnancy, recent abdominal surgery. Benefits of Ardha Dhanurasana/ Half Bow Pose to the Body Parts: Aids in fat loss or Weight Reduction Greatly increases sense of balance and mental focus Stretches thighs and ankles energizes and strengthens the entire body, and especially builds core body strength. Half bow stimulates the kidneys, adrenals and reproductive system Modifications + Variations to Ardha Dhanurasana/ Half Bow Pose: • Use a yoga strap looped around the foot and held with one hand. Reach both hands back to hold onto the raised foot/ankle for a deeper backbend. Below asanas to perform before this pose: Below asanas to perform after this pose: Crocodile, Bow, Snake. How to do Ardha Dhanurasana/ Half Bow Pose: • Lie on your stomach with your arms extended forward. 2. Bend your right knee and bring your right heel close to your glutes. 3. Reach your right arm back and hold your right ankle with your right hand. 4. Inhale and pull your body up. At the same time, lift your head and chest off the floor. Bring your focus to the point in between your eyebrows. Make sure your navel is touching the floor. 5. Li...

Dhanurasana: How To Do The Bow Pose In Yoga And Its Astounding Health Benefits

Yoga is an age-old spiritual practice with its inception in India thousands of years ago, that combines physical movements i.e. asanas with breathing techniques like pranayama as well as The customs in What Is Dhanurasana? Dhanurasana is a key yoga asana that forms an integral part of the 12 basic hatha yoga poses. Otherwise referred to as Urdva Chakrasana, Dhanurasana is the Sanskrit terminology wherein “Dhanur” means bow and “Asana” implies a posture, which translates to Bow Pose. A vital back-bending exercise in yoga, the Dhanurasana pose quite evidently resembles a bow, with the hands forming the strings. This yoga asana entails a strong thrust and stretch in the front of the body, intensely unlocking the centre of the heart and is famed for its capabilities in incorporating a brave, stoic outlook with fearlessness and grace. (Shop From Our Wide Range Of Best-Selling Wellness Supplements To Augment Physical Fitness And Mental Welfare!) How To Do Dhanurasana: Lay down flat on the ground with the stomach facing down, keeping the hands along the sides with palms opened up and feet drawn out a bit apart. Inhale deeply and lift both legs at once, bending the knees and holding on to the ankles with both hands. Slowly raise the face and body, looking straight ahead. Focus on the breath constantly, to infuse more power to the lungs that are expanded a lot and the belly which is pressed hard on the floor. Hold this bow pose steadily, remaining firm for 20 – 30 seconds and breat...