Dragon fruit benefits

  1. Why Dragon Fruit Is Healthy – Cleveland Clinic
  2. All About Yellow Dragon Fruit
  3. Can I Eat Dragon Fruit Every Day? Nutrient Chart, Health Benefits
  4. Dragon Fruit: Nutrition, Benefits, and How to Eat It

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Why Dragon Fruit Is Healthy – Cleveland Clinic

Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Dragon fruit is a nutritious — not to mention vibrant — fruit that’s Ready to get a little adventurous? Registered dietitian Joyce Prescott, MS, RD, LD, explains the benefits of dragon fruit and how to incorporate the fruit into your diet. What is dragon fruit? Dragon fruit, also called pitaya or strawberry pear, looks like something straight out of a Dr. Seuss book: On the outside, it’s a pink oval with green scales (hence, the “dragon” name). Inside, it has white flesh with tiny black seeds. The fruit’s strange appearance also gives off “psychedelic artichoke” vibes. “It’s a tropical fruit that comes from a cactus,” Prescott explains. “It’s available everywhere around the world, but it’s indigenous to Mexico and South America.” Dragon fruit is in season from summer to early fall. It comes in a variety of shapes and colors: • Pink skin with white flesh. This is the most well-known kind, but it’s the least sweet. It’s sold under the names Alice, Cosmic Charlie and Guyute. • Pink skin with red or pink flesh. Bigger and sweeter than its white-fleshed cousin, this variety is sold in stores under names such as Red Jaina and Bloody Mary. • Pink skin with purple flesh. Look for the name “American Beauty” in stores. • Yellow skin with white flesh. Yellow dragon fruit is the hardest to find, but it’s also the swee...

All About Yellow Dragon Fruit

All about Yellow Dragon Fruit (pitaya), from how to pick out yellow dragon fruit, how to eat yellow dragon fruit, how to store them and more. What is Yellow Dragon Fruit? Yellow dragon fruit, also called dragon fruit, la pitahaya (dragon fruit in Spanish), pitaya, strawberry pear, or cactus fruit is an exotic cactus fruit that is juicy and sweet in taste. We personally think the texture is a cross between pear and kiwi. The black seeds are edible and a bit bigger than pink dragon fruit seeds. Yellow dragon fruit grows on the climbing cactus called the Hylocereus. When it is on the cactus it will have thorns that are removed prior to harvesting. There are three different types of dragon fruits • Hylocereus megalanthus: This is yellow dragon fruit. This dragon fruit has yellow skin on the outside and white flesh on the inside with black seeds. The flesh is a bit more translucent than the Hylocereus undatus. • Hylocereus undatus: This is the most common dragon fruit and is pink on the outisde with white flesh on the inside. It also has black seeds, but small than the seeds in yellow dragon fruit. • Hylocereus costaricensis : This one can be harder to find. It is the pink one on the outside and the pink flesh on the inside. You can find this readily available in the freezer section sold as a puree or cubes. Again, this one also has black seeds, but small than the seeds in yellow dragon fruit. Yellow dragon Fruit Benefits Dragon fruit in general is rich in antioxidants and flav...

Can I Eat Dragon Fruit Every Day? Nutrient Chart, Health Benefits

Dragon fruit is low in calories and rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it a great everyday snack that offers many health benefits. Dragon fruit, otherwise called pitahaya or strawberry pear, is a tropical fruit known for its bright red skin and sweet, seed-spotted pulp. Due to its cactus plant origins, it has a one-of-a-kind look and is a rich source of nutrients, making it famous among foodies and health-conscious people. The sweet flavor of dragon fruit has been described as a cross between a kiwi, pear, and watermelon. Its small black seeds are said to have a nutty taste and are loaded with For the most part, dragon fruit is safe to eat and offers many health benefits due to its If in caseyou eat too much red dragon fruit, it may turn your urine pink or red. This side effect looks more disturbing than it is. The same thing can occur if you eat too many beets. Your urine should return to its normal color once the fruit is fully out of your body. There do not seem to be any side effects related to eating dragon fruit daily although it is still recommended to check with your doctor first. Nutritional content of dragon fruit In one six-ounce serving of dragon fruit, you'll get the following: Table. The nutrient chart for one 6-oz dragon fruit serving Nutrient Amount Calories 102 Fat 0 g Protein 2 g Carbohydrates 22 g 5 g Sugars 13 g 100 IU Vitamin C 4 mg Calcium 31 mg Iron 1 g Magnesium 68 mg 6 health benefits of dragon fruit Dragon fruit has numerous health benefit...

Dragon Fruit: Nutrition, Benefits, and How to Eat It

Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that’s low in calories and high in fiber and antioxidants. Some people say it tastes like a cross between a pear and a kiwi. You can slice and eat the fruit as-is, try it with yogurt, or add it to a smoothie or salad. Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Though people primarily enjoy it for its unique look and taste, evidence suggests it may provide health benefits as well. This article takes a look at dragon fruit, including its nutrition, benefits, and how to eat it. Dragon fruit grows on the Hylocereus cactus, also known as the Honolulu queen, whose flowers only open at night. The plant is native to southern Mexico and Central America. Today, it is grown all over the world. It goes by many names, including pitaya, pitahaya, and strawberry pear. The two most common types have bright red skin with green scales that resemble a dragon — hence the name. The most widely available variety has white pulp with black seeds, though a less common type with red pulp and black seeds exists as well. Another variety — referred to as yellow dragon fruit — has yellow skin and white pulp with black seeds. Dragon fruit may look exotic, but its flavors are similar to SUMMARY Dragon fruit is a tropical fruit native to Mexico and Central America. Its taste is like a combination of a kiwi and a pear. Dragon fruit contains small amounts of several nutrients. It’s also a decent source of iron, magnesium, and Here ...