English grammar check

  1. Free Grammar Checker Online
  2. English Grammar Today on Cambridge Dictionary
  3. LanguageTool
  4. Free Spell Checker

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Free Grammar Checker Online

Grammar can be a bit of a minefield, so we highlight all potential issues in blue. Perfect grammar is hard and there are so many ways to slip up. Do you have subject—verb agreement? Did you write "it’s" when you really meant "its"? Have you accidentally written a sentence fragment? ProWritingAid’s grammar corrector will catch errors as you write so you can make sure no grammatical mistakes slip through. How many times have you been tripped up by comma splices? Or semi-colons? Or apostrophes? A good punctuation corrector will help you learn the ins and outs of punctuation rules. ProWritingAid’s suggested changes will always be accompanied by an explanation to help you understand the rules so that you don’t make the same mistake next time. Yes! Punctuation acts like signposts in your writing. It helps your reader follow your ideas and understand your sentences. Punctuation checking is essential if you want your writing to be clean and clear. ProWritingAid has punctuation checking built in so you can do everything in one place. The grammar report will highlight any pesky misused commas, missing apostrophes, and more. Yes! Better writing means better grades. Schools and universities around the world use editing software to help their students write better essays. Sloppy spelling and silly grammar mistakes lead to poor grades. A good spelling and grammar check means you will find errors before you hand your assignments in. Teachers love essays that are clean, clear, and polishe...

English Grammar Today on Cambridge Dictionary

Key features Adapted from English Grammar Today, the English Grammar provides authentic examples of the way in which grammar is used in real-life situations, including standard and non-standard varieties of English. Written by a team of leading experts, and based on extensive research on the Cambridge English Corpus, it’s ideal for intermediate learners of English at CEFR levels B1-B2, including anyone preparing for intermediate


These organizations trust our AI-based style and grammar checker • BMW Group • European Union • Spiegel Magazine • Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) • Heise • Max-Planck-Gesellschaft • Blinkist • Bertelsmann Stiftung • Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF) • JetBrains • IP Australia • Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Create your free account • Distraction-free writing experience • Personal Dictionary • Quality scoring for evaluating style and grammar • Texts are securely stored • Access even more suggestions for advanced punctuation, style, and typography with the “Picky Mode” • Choose between dark and light appearance • • • • Our browser add-on works anywhere on the web Receive tips on how to improve your text (including punctuation advice etc.) while typing an e-mail, a blog post or just a simple tweet. Whatever language you’re using, LanguageTool will automatically detect it and provide suggestions. To respect your privacy, no text is stored by the browser add-on. LanguageTool is available in two versions. The free version corrects spelling as well as simple punctuation and some style mistakes. Only the Premium version will show you all errors and give you the best possible text. Team accounts for companies are also available. Does LanguageTool work on my program? LanguageTool is not bound to a specific program or website. There are several extensions and add-ons available, so it can be used in all common internet browsers. In addition, you can find a dedicated text editor as an a...

Free Spell Checker

A standard English spell-checker is a tool that searches a document or website for misspellings and suggests fixes. It can catch unintentional mistakes that occur when you’re typing or texting quickly, or clear up common confusing word pairs, such as “affect” and “effect.” A free spell-checker provides extra reassurance that the work you’re submitting is polished and free of mistakes that distract from your main points. Grammarly’s spell-checker works in your browser and across all your favorite websites and desktop apps, such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Outlook. You can even use it on your Android or iPhone by downloading the Grammarly Keyboard. How is Grammarly’s spell-checker different from my built-in word processor’s spell-check? Standard English spelling checkers will flag words that don’t appear in the dictionary, but they’re less helpful when it comes to commonly confused homophones. Grammarly’s free spell-check can help ensure you’re not tripped up by “affect” and “effect,” “to” and “too,” and other tricky pairs. What other writing feedback does Grammarly offer?