Every mistake is an opportunity to learn something new

  1. How to Move Past Failure
  2. Onye Ubanatu: I See Every Mistake as an Opportunity to Learn Something New
  3. Every mistake is an opportunity to learn... Picture Quotes 5343
  4. Mistakes are an opportunity to learn
  5. Don’t Tell Me I Can’t! 12 Myths About Learning English
  6. 5 Ways To Turn Your Mistake Into A Valuable Life Lesson
  7. Learn Something New! (53 New Skills To Learn)

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How to Move Past Failure

Failure is the most important step to reaching success, but it can still feel like it's crushing your soul. To make failure your friend and not your enemy, you must overcome it. Here are some strategies for moving on after a tough break. Failure is defined as a lack of success, but its true definition is really up to you. Small things can be failures. Maybe you blew an easy sale today at work, or forgot to grab something important when you were at the store. We all make mistakes, and the mistakes we make that have some weight to them—big or small—make us feel like we've failed. Normally, though, we reserve the word failure for the bigger things. The times when we've let others down, and, more importantly, ourselves. Trying your hardest to do something important and failing is when it really stings and shakes your confidence. Maybe your startup business idea failed, you lost the big game, or you let someone you care about down. Sometimes failure can leave a mark—but it doesn't have to. Failure can take a hefty emotional toll, and that's okay. What's important is getting the negative feelings you have out of your system so you can regroup and tackle what's next. Don't keep how you feel trapped inside of you like a shaken up soda. Bottling your emotions can lead to two things: • An emotional outburst: Eventually the pressure will build and it will be too much for you to contain. In a moment of weakness, everything you've kept inside could explode and set you back even further...

Onye Ubanatu: I See Every Mistake as an Opportunity to Learn Something New

Onye Ubanatu is a producer, director, content creator and creative facilitator. He has worked in a diverse range of television shows, produced documentaries, local and international events, corporate videos, international news features, award winning short, feature films and many more. Onye talks to Tosin Clegg about how his journey started in Warri, climbing the ladder of greatness, his numerous works, being a creative entrepreneur and a lot more I’m a Multi-disciplinary Creative Entrepreneur I am an inquisitive collaborator with a lot of content creation and strategic event production experience on some of the finest brands and projects that are part of our daily life. My trademarks and customer experience are wrapped in the following words, excellence, going the extra mile, passion, and the ability to communicate the value of every brand I work on. Some would describe me as the creative beast and seer with an Octopus skill, who is constantly searching for an opportunity to inspire many with his story and process. From Nothing, I Can Build Anything I grew up in the historic city called Warri and that was where I got my predestined creative and fiery vibe all wrapped in a cool dude’s appeal form. We all seem to have a common idea of what a Wafferian is and yes, you are looking at one who from nothing can build anything. I have always dreamt of creating things, I have always dreamt of inspiring people with content. As a child in primary school, the girls would gather aroun...


If Thomas Edison had believed in failure, we may still be living in darkness, and if Henry Ford had given up, we may still be riding on horseback. Bottom line, anyone who has achieved anything great, anyone who has changed the world has, at some point, made a choice to If you look at the most inspirationalinnovators, athletes, geniuses, and icons throughout history, they all shared a common belief: they simply did not entertain the notion of failure as a bad thing. Instead, they understood that every failure encountered brings you one step closer to success, and that this is a natural part of the process. Some even enjoyed failure! If you think about it, failure is just feedback; it’s simply showing you what’s not working so you can find out what will work. It’s necessary and can’t be avoided. If we didn’t have failure, how would we know what to do next? The process of learning from our mistakes is truly invaluable, and is something we need to run toward, not run away from. Below are a selection of quotes on the topic of failure from 20 iconic people, each of whom has achieved something great and is talking from his or her own unique experience. Today, let’s celebrate these wonderful souls who chose to embrace failure with open arms. Maybe, just maybe, their words of wisdom will help us to do the same. 1. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas Edison 2. “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm....

Every mistake is an opportunity to learn... Picture Quotes 5343

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Mistakes are an opportunity to learn

I’ve made a lot of mistakes while traveling. I’ve been robbed in Argentina. I got sick off of Bhang in Varanasi. I’ve lost credit cards. Over time I began to realize that every “mistake” is always an opportunity for growth. When I make a mistake I ask myself two questions. What went wrong? How can I make sure it doesn’t happen again? I ask myself these two questions, and then I create a system to make sure I don’t repeat my blunder. Mistake I learned from India = don’t grow out your hair again Every mistake has been an opportunity for reflection. An opportunity to understand my shortcomings and work on improving them. Each mistake is a blessing…if you’re open to it. You can only make a mistake if you don’t learn to act differently in the future. For example when traveling in Argentina I was robbed at 6 in the morning while drinking and playing music on the sidewalk. I’ve never been robbed again. I’ve accidentally offended people in different languages…but then learned to become better at speaking that language because of it. Every mistake on the squat toilet improved me. Now we can also say “mistake” in the context of accident. An unintended result of something that you did. I believe that if you look at the root cause of any “accident” there is someone who made a bad decision somewhere along the line. Someone who was the cause of a ripple that went outwards. The cause of that accident might not even be you. But it still may be an opportunity to learn how to avoid similar ...

Don’t Tell Me I Can’t! 12 Myths About Learning English

By Last updated: August 16, 2022 Don’t Tell Me I Can’t! 12 Myths About Learning English Envy is a strong word. I’m sure we’re all very nice people, but envy is Why would you be envious? Well, because they make speaking English look so easy! Now, don’t feel bad. It’s natural to feel this way when you’re learning English. Usually, people feel envious when they think that they can’t have what someone else has. That fluent speaker should not make you feel envy—instead, they can be a role model for you, or an inspiration for your English learning journey. When you feel envious of a fluent English speaker, you should turn that envy into motivation. With hard work, you can achieve what they have achieved. You can learn English too! Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Why You Can Learn English At some point, you may think the words “I can’t learn English.” But I can tell you, The very idea that you—or anyone else— can’t learn English is a myth. A myth is something that many people believe is true but is actually not true. Ideas like “I’m not smart enough” and “It’s impossible for me to learn English” are myths. These are all myths that you can be tricked into believing. Why are they myths? They’re myths because they’re simply not true. They’re just obstacles (things that block you). The good news is that they’re obstacles that many non-native English speakers have already gotten past. They have succeeded, and so can yo...

5 Ways To Turn Your Mistake Into A Valuable Life Lesson

But making the same mistakes over and over can be costly in more ways than one. Perhaps your team has lost faith in you because your behavior doesn’t match your words. Or maybe your errors have cost you or someone else a lot of money. The good news is, you can take steps to learn from your mistakes. Then, instead of repeating them again, you’ll gain valuable wisdom that will help you in the future. Here are five ways to learn from your mistakes: 1. Acknowledge Your Errors So often, leaders say things like, “I’m sorry you felt that way,” or “It’s unfortunate it didn’t work out.” But blaming other people or minimizing your responsibility isn’t helpful to anyone. Before you can learn from your mistakes, you have to accept full responsibility for your role in the outcome. That can be uncomfortable sometimes, but until you can say, “I messed up,” you aren’t ready to change. 2. Ask Yourself Tough Questions While you don’t want to dwell on your mistakes, reflecting on them can be productive. Ask yourself a few tough questions: • What went wrong? • What could I do better next time? • What did I learn from this? Write down your responses and you'll see the situation a little more clearly. Seeing your answers on paper can help you think more logically about an irrational or emotional experience. 3. Make APlan Beating yourself up for your mistakes won’t help you down the road. It’s important to spend the bulk of your time thinking about how to do better in the future. Make a plan tha...

Learn Something New! (53 New Skills To Learn)

Contents • 1 Learn Something New • 1.1 The Best 53 New Skills To Learn • 1.2 Conclusion To New Things To Learn Learning something new can really help us get out of our comfort zone. It can aid in forming new neural connections that can help us have better brain health. And simply feel good about ourselves and experience more dopamine in our brain that comes from learning something new! It gives us a feeling of progress. And progress feels great! So what are these good skills to know? What are the best of the best things to learn in this life? Well I go into exactly that below! I have for you 53 different skills. All of which will add more depth to your existence. And bring you a more fulfilling life. Enjoy! The Best 53 New Skills To Learn Self Defense There is nothing like knowing that you can drop someone if you need to. Not in an alpha, I can whoop anyone’s butt way. But in a way to where you feel that if push comes to shove, your shove would be stronger! Here is a great video to check out to become a low key certified ninja offering you 5 self defense moves! Speak A New Language Imagine being able to switch between two different languages as you speak? To communicate or even translate for people. To go to a different country and fit right in! This is all made possible by learning a new language. Did you know that there are more than 7000 languages in the world?! I certainly didn’t! As far as business purposes and job opportunities and networking, the 5 • Madarin • Chine...