Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment

  1. Question 2Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment.
  2. How Biodegradable Substances Affect The Environment
  3. Give any two ways in which biodegradable substance would affect the environment.
  4. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15
  5. State two ways in which non biodegradable substances would affect the environment. List two methods of their safe disposal.
  6. How Biodegradable Substances Affect The Environment
  7. NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15
  8. Question 2Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment.
  9. Give any two ways in which biodegradable substance would affect the environment.
  10. How Biodegradable Substances Affect The Environment

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Question 2Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment.

Question 2 Biodegradable substances affect the environment in the following ways: → The biodegradable substances such as tree leaves, plant parts, and kitchen wastes can be used as humus after composting. This will enhance the soil fertility. → The biodegradable substances mainly contain carbon. These substances after decomposition release that carbon back into the atmosphere. The influx of carbon into the atmosphere and its corresponding oxide formation amplifies global warming hence brings in undesirable climatic change.

How Biodegradable Substances Affect The Environment

We generate a massive amount of solid waste. To be exact, during 2018, the United States generated 292.4 million tons of solid waste. If you ask me – that’s way too much waste. We can reduce this excess amount of solid waste by using biodegradable substances. Unlike non-biodegradable solid waste, biodegradable substances decompose in a short amount of time. When compared to non-biodegradable materials, biodegradable substances are the better choice. But how do biodegradable substances affect the environment? • • • • • • • • • • What is the Meaning of Biodegradable Waste? Biodegradable waste is a substance that is decomposed by living organisms. Bacteria, fungi, and environmental conditions cause the decomposing of the biodegradable waste. When biodegradable waste decomposes, there are fewer toxins entering the environment. And some biodegradable waste turns into compost. For instance, food waste becomes compost. Damaging Effects of Biodegradable Waste I say, in most circumstances, biodegradable substances are better than non-biodegradable materials. I recognize the benefits of biodegradable substances. I also know it is important to examine the drawbacks of biodegradable waste. In large quantities, biodegradable waste can damage the environment and harm human health. In landfills, these piles are a mixture of solid waste and biodegradable waste. When in large piles, the biodegradable substances get trapped underneath other debris. This cuts off the oxygen supply. And that ...

Give any two ways in which biodegradable substance would affect the environment.

Hint: “Biodegradable” refers to the ability of things to get disintegrated (decomposed) by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi biological (with or without oxygen) while getting assimilated into the natural environment. Complete Answer: Biodegradable substances affect the environment in the following ways: (i) Biodegradable substances are decomposed by the action of microorganisms and decomposed materials are recycled through a geo-chemical cycle. (ii) Biodegradable substances such as tree leaves, plant parts, and kitchen wastes can be used as humus after composting. This will enhance soil fertility. (iii) These substances keep the environment clean. (iv) They may produce foul smell during the decomposition process. (v) Waste decomposing in landfills produces harmful methane, a gas that’s 100-120 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at the time of emission. Note: All the wastes produced by humans, animal waste, plant products, dried leaves, grass, fruits, flowers, food wastes, wood and other remains of the death of living creatures are grouped into Biodegradable substances. These can be used for the generation of energy through biogas or compost.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15

Our Environment Class 10 NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 15 is made by our team of subject experts at Toppr. The NCERT textbook questions are answered in a way to provide you with a better understanding of the concepts. Also, the MCQs and long and short questions are all answered according to the weightage and the exam pattern. Our Environment Class 10 Solutions Science Chapter 15 is curated strictly in accordance with the CBSE Curriculum and the exam pattern. As Class 10 exams are Board exams, NCERT Solutions provided by Toppr are the best study material to excel in the exams. These solutions will not only help the students in preparing for the board exams but also for the Olympiads. Our Environment Class 10 Questions and Answers NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 15 helps you to also analyze your shortcomings and exam preparations and work on them before the exams. These are the best resources designed after proper research and study to assist the students in scoring good marks. Explanation Various roles played by decomposers in the ecosystem are: → They decompose biodegradable substances into useful substances. → They release nutrients into the soil by decomposing dead and decaying matter, thus making the soil fertile. → They maintain the nutrient pool by returning back the nutrients in the pool. Biodegradable substances affect the environment in the following ways: → → Biodegradable substances such as tree leaves, plant parts, and kitchen wastes can be used as humus after...

State two ways in which non biodegradable substances would affect the environment. List two methods of their safe disposal.

Non-biodegradable substances: • These are called non-biodegradable because they cannot be decomposed by natural biological processes such as the decomposition by microorganisms. • These substances persist for a long time in the environment due to this ability. Effects of non-biodegradable substances on the environment: • The non-biodegradable substances remain in the non-degraded form for a long time in the environment and thus cause pollution. • They can enter the food chain in different ways. For example, they can enter the plant tissue through the soil or contaminated water. • The presence of these substances can affect the physical environment by reducing the fertility of the soil as well. Methods of safe disposal of non-biodegradable substances: • Recycling is one of the ways to safely dispose non-biodegradable substances. • Landfill is another option, where the non-biodegradable substances are dumped in a low-lying region and covered with soil.

How Biodegradable Substances Affect The Environment

If you ask me – that’s way too much waste. We can reduce this excess amount of solid waste by using biodegradable substances. Unlike non-biodegradable solid waste, biodegradable substances decompose in a short amount of time. When compared to non-biodegradable materials, biodegradable substances are the better choice. But how do biodegradable substances affect the environment? • • • • • • • • • • What is the Meaning of Biodegradable Waste? Biodegradable waste is a substance that is decomposed by living organisms. Bacteria, fungi, and environmental conditions cause the decomposing of the biodegradable waste. When biodegradable waste decomposes, there are fewer toxins entering the environment. And some biodegradable waste turns into compost. For instance, food waste becomes compost. Damaging Effects of Biodegradable Waste I say, in most circumstances, biodegradable substances are better than non-biodegradable materials. I recognize the benefits of biodegradable substances. I also know it is important to examine the drawbacks of biodegradable waste. In large quantities, biodegradable waste can damage the environment and harm human health. In landfills, these piles are a mixture of solid waste and biodegradable waste. When in large piles, the biodegradable substances get trapped underneath other debris. This cuts off the oxygen supply. And that slows down the degradation of biodegradable substances. To me, the most notable damaging effects of biodegradable waste are – 1. Gener...

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15

Our Environment Class 10 NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 15 is made by our team of subject experts at Toppr. The NCERT textbook questions are answered in a way to provide you with a better understanding of the concepts. Also, the MCQs and long and short questions are all answered according to the weightage and the exam pattern. Our Environment Class 10 Solutions Science Chapter 15 is curated strictly in accordance with the CBSE Curriculum and the exam pattern. As Class 10 exams are Board exams, NCERT Solutions provided by Toppr are the best study material to excel in the exams. These solutions will not only help the students in preparing for the board exams but also for the Olympiads. Our Environment Class 10 Questions and Answers NCERT Solutions Science Chapter 15 helps you to also analyze your shortcomings and exam preparations and work on them before the exams. These are the best resources designed after proper research and study to assist the students in scoring good marks. Explanation Various roles played by decomposers in the ecosystem are: → They decompose biodegradable substances into useful substances. → They release nutrients into the soil by decomposing dead and decaying matter, thus making the soil fertile. → They maintain the nutrient pool by returning back the nutrients in the pool. Biodegradable substances affect the environment in the following ways: → → Biodegradable substances such as tree leaves, plant parts, and kitchen wastes can be used as humus after...

Question 2Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the environment.

Question 2 Biodegradable substances affect the environment in the following ways: → The biodegradable substances such as tree leaves, plant parts, and kitchen wastes can be used as humus after composting. This will enhance the soil fertility. → The biodegradable substances mainly contain carbon. These substances after decomposition release that carbon back into the atmosphere. The influx of carbon into the atmosphere and its corresponding oxide formation amplifies global warming hence brings in undesirable climatic change.

Give any two ways in which biodegradable substance would affect the environment.

Hint: “Biodegradable” refers to the ability of things to get disintegrated (decomposed) by the action of microorganisms such as bacteria or fungi biological (with or without oxygen) while getting assimilated into the natural environment. Complete Answer: Biodegradable substances affect the environment in the following ways: (i) Biodegradable substances are decomposed by the action of microorganisms and decomposed materials are recycled through a geo-chemical cycle. (ii) Biodegradable substances such as tree leaves, plant parts, and kitchen wastes can be used as humus after composting. This will enhance soil fertility. (iii) These substances keep the environment clean. (iv) They may produce foul smell during the decomposition process. (v) Waste decomposing in landfills produces harmful methane, a gas that’s 100-120 times more powerful than carbon dioxide at the time of emission. Note: All the wastes produced by humans, animal waste, plant products, dried leaves, grass, fruits, flowers, food wastes, wood and other remains of the death of living creatures are grouped into Biodegradable substances. These can be used for the generation of energy through biogas or compost.

How Biodegradable Substances Affect The Environment

If you ask me – that’s way too much waste. We can reduce this excess amount of solid waste by using biodegradable substances. Unlike non-biodegradable solid waste, biodegradable substances decompose in a short amount of time. When compared to non-biodegradable materials, biodegradable substances are the better choice. But how do biodegradable substances affect the environment? • • • • • • • • • • What is the Meaning of Biodegradable Waste? Biodegradable waste is a substance that is decomposed by living organisms. Bacteria, fungi, and environmental conditions cause the decomposing of the biodegradable waste. When biodegradable waste decomposes, there are fewer toxins entering the environment. And some biodegradable waste turns into compost. For instance, food waste becomes compost. Damaging Effects of Biodegradable Waste I say, in most circumstances, biodegradable substances are better than non-biodegradable materials. I recognize the benefits of biodegradable substances. I also know it is important to examine the drawbacks of biodegradable waste. In large quantities, biodegradable waste can damage the environment and harm human health. In landfills, these piles are a mixture of solid waste and biodegradable waste. When in large piles, the biodegradable substances get trapped underneath other debris. This cuts off the oxygen supply. And that slows down the degradation of biodegradable substances. To me, the most notable damaging effects of biodegradable waste are – 1. Gener...