God bless you

  1. The Right Way to Give Someone a Blessing
  2. 41 Inspirational Good Morning Blessings With Images And Quotes
  3. 2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV
  4. How to Properly Use The Word "Godspeed" In A Sentence
  5. May God bless and keep you always; God bless you with joy, peace, happiness; May God bless you & keep you safe; May God bless you with many more joyful years, good health & His sweet presence; May God bless you today & always! – JollyNotes.com
  6. 125 Powerful Inspirational Words of Blessings, Prayers and Messages For Someone You Love

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The Right Way to Give Someone a Blessing

Blessing is the projection of good into the life of another. It isn't just words. It's the actual putting forth of your will for the good of another person. It always involves God, because when you will the good of another person, you realize only God is capable of bringing that. So we naturally say, "God bless you." You can bless someone when you will their good under the invocation of God. You invoke God on their behalf to support the good that you will for them. This is the nature of blessing. It is what we are to receive from God and then give to another. Now we need to deepen that just a little bit, because it isn't just a verbal performance. It isn't "bless you" said through gritted teeth. It's a generous outpouring of our whole being into blessing the other person. So, among other things, you don't want to hurry a blessing. It becomes a habit that we say thoughtlessly, "God bless." Well, that's better than a lot of other things we could say, but we want to be able to put our whole self into our blessing. That is something we need to be thoughtful about. We don't just rattle off a blessing. It's a profoundly personal and powerful act. In Numbers 6:24–26, we find the great Aaronic blessing. This is the blessing Moses instructed his brother, Aaron, to place on the people of Israel. Thank God for it! When you try to improve on it, you realize you are not going to make much headway. "The Lord bless you." That means "God bring good consistently into your life.""The Lord b...

41 Inspirational Good Morning Blessings With Images And Quotes

In this article we will look at a beautiful selections of good morning blessings you can share with someone you love. These are a great way to share via social media or txt/email. Nothing is better than having a great night of sleep, waking up, and thanking the Lord for this wonderful new day. I have gotten into this habit of right when my feet hit the floor I spend a few minutes with the Lord, giving Him thanks and asking Him to bless my day. It’s been a wonderful practice and I have enjoyed the Lord presence during that time. And today I wanted to share with you some morning blessings you can pray or share with others.Now, you may want some ideas on how to share them so here are some fun and creative ways.. Creative Ways To Share Morning Blessings You can show love and appreciation in a lot of different ways, but I always believe that when it’s combined with the things of Lord it’s extra special and meaningful. Sharing these good morning blessings is one way of showing that love. • Write the morning blessing on a sticky note / post it note! This has endless possibilities here are some fun and creative places to leave a sticky note: • On the fridge • On the bathroom mirror • School/work lunch bag • On a Bible • On a Steering Wheel • On a computer screen • On a desk • On a coffee mug • Send a text message. You can do this written out or with an image. • Share on social media. • Say it! It may seem awkward but blessings in the Bible were always spoken out. We have power in ...

2 Corinthians 9:8 NIV

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How to Properly Use The Word "Godspeed" In A Sentence

The term Godspeed is sometimes used to bid or wish someone safety and success. This is especially if they are about to go on a long, or perilous journey. The word Godspeed actually means success, and good fortune. The word godspeed should be used in sentences when you are bidding someone good luck, safety, and success. It may be written with a capital G or small g, and both instances are correct. Keep reading to learn the meaning and origin of the word “godspeed”, sentences using the word, and phrases that commonly use the word godspeed. Godspeed: Definition The word Godspeed is quite an old-fashioned saying that’s often used sarcastically or in a humorous fashion, yet expresses genuine, honest, and true concern. It can also be ones meaning when using this expression. Essentially, however, the word Godspeed holds the intention of personal blessing. The intention is to convey hope or the desire for another person to successfully accomplish a difficult and dangerous task or journey mission, either currently underway or about to be undertaken. The endeavor at hand is often complex and arduous if not convoluted, having little chance of success. The Origin of the Word Gingerly the time Godspeed is used which someone good luck or a safe journey. The middle English spelling “God speid” eventually gave way to more modern spelling. “Speid” means prosperity or success. So let’s take a closer look at its origin. Godspeed, goodbye, and good luck. Although these phrases are rarely hear...

May God bless and keep you always; God bless you with joy, peace, happiness; May God bless you & keep you safe; May God bless you with many more joyful years, good health & His sweet presence; May God bless you today & always! – JollyNotes.com

May God bless and keep you always; God Bless You With Joy, Peace, Happiness; May God bless you and keep you safe; May God Bless you with Many More Joyful Years, Good Health & His Sweet Presence; May God bless you today & always! Our Prayer For You, A Prayer For You, “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ~ Numbers 6:24 -26, NKJV See Also: *** “You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” The first part of this prayer is taken from Isaiah 55:12 (NIV). It’s certainly one of my favorite verses. We will go out in joy, and God will lead us forth in peace – And can you imagine mountains and hills bursting into song before us? Our problems, troubles, mountains, hills, singing before us…. And even the trees of the field will join us in clapping their hands. What this verse speaks to me is that everything and everyone that comes before us will see the joy of the Lord in us. And because of the joy and the God that is seen in us, even things, people, situations that we thought could never be moved, will rejoice, and clap their hands! Amen ( eg who ever knew a tree could clap? Or mountains could sing?). Mountains will sing, Hills will sing, Trees will clap… We will always go out in unspeakable joy; Joy and peace that passes all understanding. The Joy...

125 Powerful Inspirational Words of Blessings, Prayers and Messages For Someone You Love

You already know that if we consistently confess a thing, it will soon become our reality. Therefore, it is necessary to always declare words of blessings and prayers to yourself and make it a daily habit in the form of positive affirmation, or what is referred to as positive confession. While you should declare words of blessings to yourself daily, it is also a good idea to wish your family members, friends, and loved ones good things; and make them know how well you want them to prosper and flourish in every aspect of life through blessing quotes. You never can tell how great this may resonate with the desires of their hearts, and how much inspiration they may draw from every word of blessing sent to them. We already got them prepared for you. All you have to do is read through and choose whichever gives words to the desires of your heart. Any of these all-purpose words of blessings, prayer, or inspirational quotes can be used as text messages, inspirational wordings for a card, or even sent across through a social media platform. In whatever way you’ve chosen to use these words of prayers; one thing is sure—the receiver is blessed. Related Post: Contents • • • • • • • Words of Prayers and Blessings from the Bible Blessings are highly valued especially when it is from God Almighty. We know God is sovereign, and His words are supreme and final. None of His words will come back to him void, so we can count on them to accomplish what they are meant to achieve. So, sending w...