
  1. 10 Benefits of Gomukhasana
  2. Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) meaning, steps, precautions and benefits
  3. Gomukhasana
  4. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
  5. Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)

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10 Benefits of Gomukhasana

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose): the name comes from the Sanskrit words ‘Gow’, meaning ‘Cow’ and ‘Mukha’, meaning ‘Face’ or ‘Mouth’. The word ‘Go’ also means ‘light’, so “Gomukh” may refer to the light in or of the head, or lightness of the head. The yoga pose gets its name because the thighs and calves of the person performing it resemble a cow’s face, wide at one end and tapering towards the other. This pose is a seated pose and is considered as an Intermediate Level Pose and requires flexible thighs and shoulders. Gomukhasana helps boost energy in the body and hence can be included in flow yoga sequences. This single pose can help in curing many diseases like arthritis, stiff shoulders, spine problems, etc. 1. Sit on the floor legs extended and spine straight. 2. Place the palms on the floor and bring the left leg bent at the knee and place the left foot below the right buttocks by raising the body a bit. Sit on the left foot taking the ankle and the toes deep inside. 3. Raise the right leg bending at the knee and place the right thigh over the left thigh by bringing the right foot close to the left buttocks on the floor. 4. Make sure both knees are one above the other or if possible interlocked deeper trying to balance the body well. 5. Bring your left arm and stretch it above your shoulder and head. Bending it take the left palm and place it behind you close to the shoulder blade. 6. Now raise the right arm and from below take it behind you bending at the elbow and place ...

Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) meaning, steps, precautions and benefits

The Sanskrit word Go also means Light, hence the name This asana gives an intense stretch to the limbs and the back and strengthens the back and the chest muscles, along with it there are several other benefits of Gomukhasana, but first , let’s begin by knowing the steps to practice Gomukhasana. Steps to practice Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) It is very important to know the right alignment of the body in an asana to avoid the formulation of any kind of injury and to attain the maximum benefits of the asana. Here are the steps to practice Gomukhasana correctly: Starting Position: • Relax the body. Take 3 long deep breaths. • Stretch the left arm to the side and fold it behind the back. • Stretch the right arm up above the head and fold it over the right shoulder. • Keep the back of the left hand in contact with the spine whereas the palm of the right hand should rest against the spine. • Clasp the fingers of both hands behind the back. • Keep the raised elbow behind the head in a pose in which the head presses against the inside of the raised arm. • The spine should remain erect and head straight. • Keep the eyes closed and stay in the same position for up to a minute or a few seconds. • Then unclasp the hands, straighten the legs and relax the body. • Then repeat the same by keeping the left knee uppermost and the left arm over the left shoulder. It is recommended to practice Precautions for Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) The precautions for Gomukhasana to be kept in mind for ...


Starting Position: Sit with legs straight Concentration: on the whole body Breath: normal breathing Repetitions: once to each side Practice: Sit with the legs straight. Bend the left leg and place it over the right thigh so that the left heel touches the outer side of the right buttock. Bend the right leg and place the right heel beside the left buttock. Both buttocks remain on the floor. >Raise the right arm and bend it behind the head so the elbow points up. Bring the left arm behind the back from below and clasp the fingers of both hands together. The head remains upright and straight and rests on the right forearm. Look up. >Breathing normally hold the position. Return to the starting position. Practice the exercise on the other side. Benefits: Strengthens the finger joints and wrists, promotes mobility of the shoulders and hips, while strengthening muscles of the chest and back. Improves a rounded back and sideways curvature of the spine. Facilitates deeper breathing. Stimulates kidney function, activates the bladder and the digestive system, and also counters diabetes. Caution: This exercise should not be practiced with injuries to the arms, hands or legs. Asana is included in the following categories: • Level 4 • Gomukhasana • The System “Yoga in Daily Life” • The System “Yoga in Daily Life” • About the Author • Dedication • Introduction to The System “Yoga in Daily Life” • Exercise Levels • Exercise Levels • The Significance of the Asanas and Pranayamas • The Full ...


GOMUKHASANA MEANING, STEPS, BENEFITS AND PRECAUTIONS 18 Nov 2020 HYN Himalayan Yoga Academy Chakras: Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra) , Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra) Gomukhasana is a seated yoga posture that stretches several parts of the body simultaneously, including the ankles, hips, thighs, shoulders, underarms, triceps and chest. The name comes from the Sanskrit, ‘Go’means “cow,” mukha, means “face,” and asana, meaning “pose.”It gives good cross-stretch in chest muscles. Gomukhasana is one of the classical yoga poses explained in The asana, whose name literally translates into Cow Face Pose, has helped a lot of people who are fighting a variety of conditions such as diabetes, back and shoulder issues, and sexual disorders.This is one of the best asana to restore symmetry and postural health. It is wise to have this in your How To Do Gomukhasana : • Sit in SamasthithiEven though Gomukhasana is a beginner’s and easy yoga pose, it’s better to do it step by step. So, the steps of Gomukhasana are:Exhaling bend the right knee and place it on the left knee so that the right sole touches the left hip, Inhale. Exhaling bend the left knee so that, left sole touches the right hip. • Inhaling raises the right arm and interlocks the fingers with the left hand from a backside. • Sit straight and keep your back straight, and legs forward. • Now bend your left leg gently and place it under your right hip. • Then gently bend your right leg and cross it over your left leg. Your knee...

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)

Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) stretches your entire body—your shoulders and arms, your ankles, hips, thighs and back. In the pose, the folded legs are said to resemble a cow’s mouth; the elbows form the shape of a cow’s ears. It’s a pose that allows you many opportunities to explore the symmetry of the body. When you cross one knee over the other, notice a difference in how it feels right over left versus left over right. Similarly, the arm position will tell you instantly if one shoulder is tighter than the other. Another thing to pay attention to in Gomukhasna is the length and position of your back, neck, and head. You can practice bringing length to the spine all the way up through your neck to your skull. When bringing the upper arm close to the face, students tend to bend the neck and lean the head to the side. Be mindful to keep the spine straight. Use props to make this pose more accessible. If tight shoulders make it difficult to clasp your fingers together behind your back in Cow Face Pose, use a strap. You may sit on a block or blankets to give your legs more space to move into the pose. Section divider Sanskrit Gomukhasana (go-moo-KAHS-anna) go = cow (Sanskrit go is a distant relative of the English word “cow”) mukha = face Section divider Cow Face Pose Basics Pose type: Targets: Full body Benefits: Cow Face Pose improves posture and counte...

Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)

Posted: July 24, 2020 Gomukhasana (go-moo-KHAS-ana) from Sanskrit literally means cow face posture ( go - cow, mukha - face, asana - pose). This seated yoga posture can be performed along with different as part of a regular yoga practice. It stretches the arms, triceps, latissimus dorsi, shoulders, and chest. This posture is a great hip opener and also opens up tight shoulders with some gradual and consistent practice. Requiring the practitioner to sit erect, it also enhances one’s posture. Description: Gomukhasana is one of the 15 poses described in the gomukhasana). How to do cow face pose ( gomukhasana): step by step instructions 1. Sit on both your ischial tuberosities (your sitting bones) well-grounded on your yoga mat with your back straight and legs extended in front of you. Keep your legs and feet together and place each palm next to each hip. Make sure that the bottoms of your legs are firmly placed on the mat. 2. After lifting your left leg, bend your right leg under your left leg and place the right foot beside your left hip. 3. Stack your left knee over your right knee, placing your left foot beside your right hip. 4. Raise the left arm above your head and bend the elbow to lower your left hand between the shoulder blades. Simultaneously, bring the right arm behind your back and the right hand upward between the shoulder blades. Try to adjust your upper arm and lower arm in such a way that your left elbow is behind your head and is pointing at the ceiling where...