Google business

  1. Vergelijk de verschillende prijzen
  2. Engadget is part of the Yahoo family of brands
  3. Sign up for Business Profile
  4. How to choose a category for your Business Profile
  5. Compare Flexible Pricing Plan Options
  6. Google Business Profile
  7. 13 Google My Business Optimizations to Rank Higher in Local Search
  8. Business Streamlining & Collaboration Solutions
  9. Engadget is part of the Yahoo family of brands
  10. Google Мой бизнес

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Vergelijk de verschillende prijzen

per gebruiker per maand, contract van 1 jaar info • done Aangepaste en beveiligde zakelijke e-mail • done Videovergaderingen met maximaal 150 deelnemers + opnemen • done 2TB gecombineerde opslag per gebruiker* • done Beveiligings- en beheerfuncties • done Standaardsupport (u kunt betaald upgraden naar uitgebreidere support) per gebruiker per maand, contract van 1 jaar info • done Aangepaste en beveiligde zakelijke e-mail + eDiscovery, bewaring • done Videovergaderingen met maximaal 500 deelnemers + opnemen, deelname bijhouden • done 5TB gecombineerde opslag per gebruiker* • done Uitgebreidere beveiligings- en beheerfuncties, inclusief Vault en geavanceerd eindpuntbeheer • done Standaardsupport (u kunt betaald upgraden naar uitgebreidere support) Neem contact op met sales voor prijzen • done Aangepaste en beveiligde zakelijke e-mail + eDiscovery, bewaren, S/MIME-versleuteling • done Videovergaderingen met maximaal 1000 deelnemers + opnemen, deelname bijhouden, ruisonderdrukking, livestreaming binnen het domein • done 5TB gecombineerde opslag per gebruiker, met de mogelijkheid om meer aan te vragen* • done Geavanceerde beveiligings-, beheer- en nalevingsfuncties, waaronder Vault, DLP, gegevensregio's en zakelijk eindpuntbeheer • done Uitgebreide support (u kunt betaald upgraden naar Premium Support) per gebruiker per maand, contract van 1 jaar info • done Aangepaste en beveiligde zakelijke e-mail • done Videovergaderingen met maximaal 150 deelnemers + opnemen • done 2TB geco...

Engadget is part of the Yahoo family of brands

If you click ' Accept all', we and • display personalised ads and content based on interest profiles • measure the effectiveness of personalised ads and content, and • develop and improve our products and services If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click ' Reject all'. If you would like to customise your choices, click ' Manage privacy settings'. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy & cookie settings' or 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. Find out more about how we use your personal data in our

Sign up for Business Profile

• On your computer, sign in to your Google Account, or create one. • If you create a new Google Account, sign up with your business email domain. • Go to • Enter the name of your business.You may also be able to select your business from the list of suggested businesses as you type. • If you get a message that someone else has already verified the business, • Search for your business category. • Click Next. • Choose whether you have a location customers can visit. • For businesses with a storefront staffed during business hours: Click Yes. • You may be asked to enter your business address or position a marker on a map for the location of your businesses. When finished, click Next. • For businesses that don'thave a storefront staffed during business hours: Click No. • Enter the service area of your business. • You can set your service area based on the cities, postal codes, or other areas that you serve. You can add up to 20 service areas. • Tip:We recommend you do not extend the boundaries of your overall area farther than 2hours driving time from where your business is based. For some businesses, it may be appropriate to have a larger service area. • Enter a phone number and website URL. • Click Next. • You also have the option to • Tip: We recommend entering theindividual phone number or store page for each location, rather than a remote call center. • Click Finish. • Select a verification option. • Tip: We recommend reviewing your information before you request verifica...

How to choose a category for your Business Profile

Categories describe your business. Theyconnect you to customers who search for your products or services. For example, if your primary category is “Pizza restaurant,” Google may show your business in someone’s local search results when they search for Restaurants, Italian Restaurants, or Pizza.Your category isone of many factors that affectsyour local ranking on Google. Based on the type of business you operate, your category may also be used to assign a Choose your category Choose a primary category that describes your business as a whole, and be specific. When you start to enter your category, choose a category from a dropdown that shows up. • For example, instead of "Salon," choose “Nail salon.” If the category you want isn't available,choose a more general category that still accurately describes your business. You can’t create your own category. To let customers know more aboutspecial departments or services, select additional categories.However, don’t add a category for every product or service. Use as few categories as possible to describe your overall core business from the provided list. • For example, if you manage a grocery store that includes a pharmacy and deli, choose “Grocery store” as your primary category, then add “Pharmacy” and “Deli” as additional categories. If your business includes publicdepartments that are independent from you , they should have their own profiles. Do not add their category to the main profile. • For examp...

Compare Flexible Pricing Plan Options

per user / month, 1 year commitment info • done Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention • done 500 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking • done 5 TB pooled storage per user* • done Enhanced security and management controls, including Vault and advanced endpoint management • done Standard Support (paid upgrade to Enhanced Support) Contact sales for pricing • done Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention, S/MIME encryption • done 1000 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking, noise cancellation, in-domain live streaming • done 5 TB pooled storage per user, with ability to request more* • done Advanced security, management, and compliance controls, including Vault, DLP, data regions, and enterprise endpoint management • done Enhanced Support (paid upgrade to Premium Support) per user / month, 1 year commitment info • done Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention • done 500 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking • done 5 TB pooled storage per user* • done Enhanced security and management controls, including Vault and advanced endpoint management • done Standard Support (paid upgrade to Enhanced Support) • Contact sales for pricing • done Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention, S/MIME encryption • done 1000 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking, noise cancellation, in-domain live streaming • done 5 TB pooled storage per user, wit...

Google Business Profile

Yes, you can have a profile if your business doesn’t have a physical address as long as you make in-person contact with customers. You can also have a profile if you’re a hybrid business that serves customers at your business address and visits or delivers directly to customers. You may also have a profile if you’re a service-area business that visits or delivers to customers directly, but doesn't serve customers at its business address, like a plumber or cleaning service. Learn how to claim and verify your profile if you’re a service-area business

13 Google My Business Optimizations to Rank Higher in Local Search

Any business today needs targeted visibility on Google. Most businesses know that this requires optimizing their website and Google Ads, but what most don’t know is that there is a third entity that also needs optimizing: their Google business listing. Officially known as your Business Profile, this powerful listing is a dynamic snapshot of your business that highlights your best features and enables potential customers to quickly find, learn about, and engage with you—all from the SERP. The best part? It’s completely free. And yet, despite the The problem is not the Google My Business platform; it’s that not nearly enough businesses take full advantage of its impressive features. And that’s why we’ve written this guide. Here, we’re going to share 13 optimization strategies: • Claim your Business Profile • Complete every section of your Google My Business account • Be meticulous with contact information • Select primary and secondary categories • Mark off applicable attributes • Write a complete “from the business” description • Publish Google posts weekly • Upload new photos weekly • Answer questions • Collect and respond to reviews • Add your products and/or services • Set up messaging • Maintain your Business Profile With these optimizations, you can turn your Business Profile into the best free customer acquisition tool you didn’t know you had. Let’s get into it. Note: The more familiar term “Google business listing” is officially known by Google as your Business Profi...

Business Streamlining & Collaboration Solutions

Google Workspace is designed to support stringent privacy and security standards based on industry best practices. • A cloud-first, browser-based approach that is constantly updated – no need for local devices, native apps, or email attachments • Built in controls, encryption, and verification with a Zero Trust approach that enables employees to work from anywhere and eliminates the need for VPNs • Operating on a global scale to protect your organization’s information from phishing, malware, ransomware, and supply chain attacks – no add-ons required • Making everyone safer with secure endpoints (company-provided or BYOD) that don’t require patching and strong account takeover protections • per user / month, 1 year commitment info • done Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention • done 500 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking • done 5 TB pooled storage per user* • done Enhanced security and management controls, including Vault and advanced endpoint management • done Standard Support (paid upgrade to Enhanced Support) "We wanted a system that provided effective collaboration and communication tools without geographical boundaries. It also had to be economic, intuitive, secure and future-proof, everything our existing system wasn’t. Google Workspace met those requirements." Alan Moynihan, Head of IT Customer Solutions, RSPCA • With Google Workspace, you'll receive a number of additional business-grade services not included with Google’s f...

Engadget is part of the Yahoo family of brands

If you click ' Accept all', we and • display personalised ads and content based on interest profiles • measure the effectiveness of personalised ads and content, and • develop and improve our products and services If you do not want us and our partners to use cookies and personal data for these additional purposes, click ' Reject all'. If you would like to customise your choices, click ' Manage privacy settings'. You can change your choices at any time by clicking on the 'Privacy & cookie settings' or 'Privacy dashboard' links on our sites and apps. Find out more about how we use your personal data in our

Google Мой бизнес

Да. Вы можете создать профиль, даже если у вашей компании нет физического адреса, при условии что вы взаимодействуете с клиентами офлайн, а не только по телефону или через интернет. Сюда также относятся случаи, когда вы предлагаете разные виды обслуживания: на месте, выезд к клиенту, доставку. Также профиль могут создавать компании, обслуживающие определенную территорию. Это могут быть фирмы, сотрудники которых осуществляют доставку или предоставляют услуги на дому (например, сантехники, уборщики и т. д.), но не принимают клиентов в офисе компании. Подробнее о том, как подтвердить право собственности и профиль компании, обслуживающей определенную территорию…