Hinkhoj dictionary

  1. HinKhoj English marathi Dictionary
  2. ShabdKhoj : Hindi to English Words List
  3. English to Hindi
  4. Hindi English (हिंदी इंग्लिश)
  5. Word of the Day in English and Hindi for today

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HinKhoj English marathi Dictionary

Calligraphy - Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering Pathology - The scientific study of bodily disease Ornithology - study of birds Geology - The study of earth and rocks Graphology - The study of handwriting Anthropology - The study of human development Theology - The study of religion Criminology - The scientific study of crimes and criminal Sociology - The study of society as a whole

ShabdKhoj : Hindi to English Words List

About ShabdKhoj (शब्दखोज) ShabdKhoj (शब्दखोज) is a brand of HinKhoj (हिंखोज) which provides freely available online Hindi word list with lakhs of hindi words and translation.You can use hindi english ShabdKhoj on your phone and computer. It helps native Hindi speakers to learn English through Hindi. ShabdKhoj is loaded with lakhs of Hindi language words and provides you with every possible meaning of a single word. This tool is not limited to just words and their meanings,but has a number of unique features such as fun learning games, Hindi spell checker, pronunciation tools and a lot more. Our phonetic Hindi keyboard is easy to use and gives accurate translations which makes it a very useful tool for the users who want to type in Hindi. We send out tips frequently to enhance the knowledge of our users beyond the typical word meaning.Furthermore, ShabdKhoj contains a number of idioms, phrases, synonyms, antonym sand much more. We update the ShabdKhoj every day and welcome the user feedbacks with utmost sincerity. We provide an easy and complete English learning experience for our native Hindi language speakers. Users are highly encouraged to add new words so that we can enhance the scope of this service and help fellow users. People also find us by other names like Hindi Khoj/HindiKhoj (हिंदी खोज), HindKhoj / Hind Khoj (हिन्द खोज) , Shabd Khoj ( शब्द खोज) etc. शब्दखोज हिन्दी भाषा के लाखों शब्दों के साथ भरी हुई है और हर एक शब्द के संभव अर्थ आपको बताती है । इसे आप हिंदी इंग्...

English to Hindi

About English Hindi ShabdKhoj ShabdKhoj (शब्दखोज) is a brand of HinKhoj (हिंखोज) which provides freely available online english hindi word search service which uses Shabdanjali V 1.0 , part of wordnet 3.0 and user contributed words.You can download offline english hindi word list / converter / translator on your phone and computer. ShabdKhoj not only gives you the meanings of the words but also their synonyms, detailed definitions and their usage in sentences. This tool is not limited to just words and their meanings,but has a number of unique features such as fun learning games, spell checker, pronunciation tools and a lot more. We send out vocabulary tips, and new word notifications frequently to enhance the knowledge of our users beyond the typical word meaning.People also find us by other names like Hindi Khoj/HindiKhoj (हिंदी खोज), HindKhoj / Hind Khoj (हिन्द खोज) , Shabd Khoj ( शब्द खोज) etc.

Hindi English (हिंदी इंग्लिश)

About ShabdKhoj Services ShabdKhoj (शब्दखोज) is a brand of HinKhoj (हिंखोज) which provides India's most popular Hindi english services for word meanings search, translation and vocabulary learning. We are pioneer in Hindi Unicode font based translation services in India. ShabdKhoj has over 10 lakhs words and meanings in database and it is great source for vocabulary lookup and learning. We keep our word list upto to make sure all words are discovered in it. People also find us by other names like Hindi Khoj/HindiKhoj (हिंदी खोज), HindKhoj / Hind Khoj (हिन्द खोज) , Shabd Khoj ( शब्द खोज) etc.

Word of the Day in English and Hindi for today

The Right to Identity is an intrinsic part of the Right to Life under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. पहचान का अधिकार भारत के संविधान के अनुच्छेद 21 के तहत जीवन के अधिकार का एक मूलभूत हिस्सा है। Synonyms: essential, fundamental, basic Antonyms: extrinsic, acquired, secondary Word Details: being an extremely important and basic characteristic of a person or thing