Home remedies for cough

  1. 10 Tips for Calming Your Cough
  2. How to Get Rid of a Cough Fast: 11 Easy Home Remedies
  3. Effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus
  4. 15 Dry Cough Remedies: Natural and Over
  5. How to Get Rid of a Cold Fast: Home Remedies, Self
  6. 12 natural cough remedies
  7. 10 Wet Cough Natural Remedies for Adults and Children
  8. 11 Popular Natural Remedies for the Common Cold
  9. Natural Cough Remedies

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10 Tips for Calming Your Cough

Drink plenty of fluids -- or use a cool-mist humidifier or vaporizer -- to soothe an irritated throat and loosen mucus. Have a little You may want to try natural over the counter products that contain very low doses of aspirin. When it is applied to inflamed tissues caused by an upper respiratory infection it helps reduce the symptoms of sore throat. If it's hard to get the mucus out, or if it’s thick, look for medicine that says “expectorant.” That loosens the gunk to help you get rid of it. If you're having post-nasal drip with lots of juicy mucous, you may do better with a medicine that dries you up like Sudafed (pseudoephedrine). If you have cough with fever or shortness of breath call your doctor. Also check with them before you use cough medicine for serious conditions like emphysema, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, or asthma. And don’t give cough and cold medicine to children under 4. For a long-lasting cough, call your doctor if: • You have a deep cough with lots of mucus. • The mucus is bloody. • You’re wheezing, short of breath, or have a tight chest. • You have a fever that doesn’t go away after 3 days. • Your child has the chills or nighttime coughing fits. • You’re still coughing after 7 days without getting better. IMAGES PROVIDED BY: 1) Ariel Skelley/Blend Images 2) Yuji Kotani/Photodisc 3) Fuse 4) Jonathan Nourok/Stone 5) Bruce Ayres/Stone 6) Jose Luis Pelaez, Inc/Blend Images 7) Michaela Begsteiger 8) Sergio Pitamitz/Stockbyte 9) Neeser Rolf/Prisma 10) Imag...

How to Get Rid of a Cough Fast: 11 Easy Home Remedies

The worst part of a cold for many is an annoyingly persistent cough — especially when that tickle in your throat crops up at the worst times, like during a work presentation or as you're But as it turns out, there's a really important reason why we cough, and it's meant to help you get better. "Coughing is a reflex that our body uses in response to irritation, inflammation or infection in the lungs and airway," says Chantel Strachan, M.D., a primary care physician at Coughing is most associated with respiratory infections — like the , according to Dr. Strachan. While a wet cough (a productive cough that brings up phlegm or mucus) is often a sign of a lower respiratory infection, a dry cough is commonly associated with irritated or inflamed upper airways, says So what exactly can you do to treat an annoyingly persistent cough? Thankfully, there are a number of effective strategies you can try for improving your cough symptoms — and you may already have the solution in your home. From using over-the-counter medication to drinking a cup of tea, here are 11 easy ways to get rid of your cough. Over-the-counter medicine from your pharmacy is often your first resource when it comes to treating a cough. But not all medicine is the same — there are three distinct types of cough medicine for you to consider, according to Dr. Chun. The first is an expectorant, which helps expel the mucus in your body by thinning it; suppressants, on the other hand, subdue cough reflexes in the brain....

Effective ways to get rid of phlegm and mucus

Various home remedies can help manage phlegm and mucus, such as drinking plenty of fluids and using a saline nasal spray or rinse. If home remedies do not help, over-the-counter and prescription medications are available. Mucus forms a Infections, allergies, and smoking can cause excess mucus to build up in the body. Keep reading to learn more about home remedies and medications that can help. Share on Pinterest Yagi-Studio/Getty Images Consider the following steps to help eliminate excess mucus and phlegm: 1. Keep the air moist Dry air irritates the nose and throat, causing more mucus to form as a lubricant. Placing a cool mist humidifier in the bedroom can promote better sleep by keeping the nose clear and preventing a sore throat. 2. Drink plenty of fluids The body needs to People with seasonal 3. Apply a warm, wet washcloth to the face A warm, wet washcloth can be a soothing remedy for a pounding sinus 4. Keep the head elevated When the buildup of mucus is particularly bothersome, it may help to sleep propped up on a few pillows or in a reclining chair. Lying flat can increase discomfort because it may feel like mucus is collecting at the back of the throat. A person may also benefit from hypoallergenic pillows when elevated. 5. Do not suppress a cough It may be tempting to use suppressants when experiencing a nagging, phlegm-filled cough. However, 6. Discreetly get rid of phlegm When phlegm rises from the lungs into the throat, the body is likely trying to remove it. ...

15 Dry Cough Remedies: Natural and Over

A 2013 review of studies from Columbia University reported that gingerol, a chemical compound in fresh ginger, is able to suppress airway hyperresponsiveness that can trigger symptoms of asthma—including cough. It can have this effect when it's taken orally (such as when drinking tea or sucking candied ginger), and also when it is inhaled in steam. According to a 2019 randomized controlled study in Scientific Reports, gargling with saltwater three times a day reduced the duration of cough caused by a cold by 2.4 days and vocal hoarseness by 1.7 days. Hydration A dry throat can make your cough worse. Consider sipping fluids like water, tea with honey and lemon, and herbal teas. • Use a cool-mist humidifier: If your coughing tends to develop in dry weather, a humidifier can help add moisture to the air to stop your dry cough. Use one when you can, especially at night. • Run an air purifier: This can help clear allergens and irritants from the air, including dust, dander, and pollen. This can be helpful if you have asthma. • Do not smoke: Exposure to smoke from cigarettes, vaping, and marijuana increases throat irritation. • Allergies: Seasonal • Asthma: Asthma, especially cough-variant asthma, can trigger a dry cough. Adherence to your asthma medications (including long-acting bronchodilators and • Acid reflux: Acid reflux can bring on a dry cough. An acid blocker can help, as can avoiding high-fat foods, acidic foods, chocolate, caffeine, and spicy foods, all of which can w...

How to Get Rid of a Cold Fast: Home Remedies, Self

• Rest: Sleep is known to play an important role in keeping the body's immune system healthy. Restful sleep can help decrease inflammation and keep the immune system strong so it can fight against viruses such as those that cause the common cold. • Stay hydrated: Getting adequate amounts of fluids will help keep the body's mucous membranes moist. This ensures that the mucus won't dry out and will be easier to release by blowing your nose or coughing. • Use a vaporizer/humidifier: A vaporizer or humidifier can provide moisture that helps break up mucus, making it easier to cough. These devices are especially helpful in winter when central heating tends to dry the air out. • Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers/fever reducers: Some symptoms of the common cold include fevers, chills, body aches, and joint pain. Nonprescription medications such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) can help reduce a fever and help decrease joint and muscle pains. • OTC cold/cough medicine: These medicines can help reduce the severity of cold and cough symptoms. Often a bad cough will make it difficult to get quality rest. OTC cough syrups, cough drops, and cold medicines can help soothe the throat and block the • Nasal saline irrigation and salt water gargles: While more in-depth studies need to be done, studies have shown that these interventions can decrease the duration of a running nose, nasal congestion, and cough. How Long Do Colds Last? Common cold symptoms typically peak within two to three days...

12 natural cough remedies

The best treatment for a cough will depend on its underlying cause. A number of home remedies may help, such as honey and saltwater gargles. If home remedies do not help, over-the-counter and prescription medications are available. This article reviews natural remedies that may help to treat a cough. Share on Pinterest pinstock/Getty Images Some natural remedies may help to relieve a cough. However, it is important to remember that the People who want to use natural remedies to treat their cough should research sources and brands. They should also be aware that some herbs and supplements can interfere with medications, which may result in unwanted side effects. A person should always consult a doctor before taking supplements. A person • the cough lasts for a long time or is recurrent • they experience • • they also experience a • the cough makes a People use a range of natural remedies to try to treat a persistent cough. While they may help some people, it is important to note that some of the following remedies have limited evidence to support their use. This means a person may or may not find that the remedies work for them. 1. Honey According to research, In a The researchers found that honey was superior to usual care, both in suppressing the cough and in helping to prevent the need for antibiotics. In a The researchers found that both honey and dextromethorphan worked to suppress coughs. They noted that honey scored slightly higher in one trial and on par with dextro...

10 Wet Cough Natural Remedies for Adults and Children

A wet cough is any cough that brings up phlegm. It’s also called a The cough reflex is a defense mechanism that helps protect your body from irritants, like dust in the air. When your nervous system detects an irritant in your airways, it warns your brain. Your brain sends a message to the muscles in your chest and abdomen, telling them to contract and push out a burst of air. Your cough reflex is easily triggered by mucus. A wet, productive cough is almost always a symptom of a viral or bacterial infection, When phlegm accumulates in your chest, it can be hard to breathe. You may Viruses take time to run their course, so your cough may last several weeks. A wet cough typically resolves without treatment. In the meantime, here are home remedies you can consider to help you feel better as your cough runs its course. Wet coughs Some natural home remedies for wet cough may include: Humidifier A Steamy shower Taking a steamy shower can help moisten your upper airways. It may also help break up the mucus in your chest. Try to stay in the shower or in a steamy bathroom for at least 5 minutes. You can repeat as needed. Honey Natural bee Honey shouldn’t be given to infants under Herbal cough drops You can try natural cough drops made with honey, Some cough drops may also contain menthol, which can help cool your airways. Vitamin C While this antioxidant doesn’t necessarily prevent colds, Try eating an orange or drinking some fresh orange juice every day during cold season. Geraniu...

11 Popular Natural Remedies for the Common Cold

• The zinc lozenges used in the studies contained a minimum of 13.3 mg of elemental zinc. The lozenges were taken every two hours during the day starting immediately after the onset of cold symptoms. • The studies that found zinc to be ineffective may have used a dose of zinc that was too low or had taste-enhancing compounds known to decrease the effectiveness of zinc, such as citric acid (found in citrus fruit), tartaric acid, sorbitol, or mannitol. • Zinc lozenges usually contain either zinc gluconate or zinc acetate and provide 13.3 mg of elemental zinc in each lozenge. It's typically recommended that people take one lozenge every two to four hours during the day for a maximum of six to 12 lozenges a day. Possible Side Effects and Risks • Side effects of zinc may include nausea and an unpleasant taste in your mouth. • Zinc lozenges are not recommended to prevent colds or for long-term use. • Long-term use of high doses of zinc supplements can interfere with the absorption of the mineral copper and lead to copper deficiency. Possible Side Effects and Risks • Excessive doses of vitamin D can be harmful, causing nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, kidney stones, and more. • Vitamin D supplements can interact with some medications, including Alli (orlistat), cholesterol-lowering statins, prednisone, and thiazide diuretics. Talk with a healthcare provider before taking vitamin D supplements if you take these medications. • A 2005 study published in the New England Journal of ...

Natural Cough Remedies

A saltwater gargle is usually a sore throat remedy, but it’s worth trying for coughs, too. The extra moisture can thin mucus and help wash out things that irritate your throat, much like a saline rinse does for the nose. Mix 1/4 to 1/2 of salt into 8 ounces of warm water, tip your head back, gargle, and then spit the mixture out. IMAGES PROVIDED BY: 1) arto_canon / Getty Images 2) zhongguo / Getty Images 3) Wavebreakmedia Ltd / Getty Images 4) naumoid / Getty Images 5) fakezzz / Getty Images 6) nullplus / Getty Images 7) Santje09 / Getty Images 8) nattul / Getty Images 9) itakayuki / Getty Images 10) yocamon / Getty Images 11) merc67 / Getty Images 12) dlerick / Getty Images SOURCES: Mayo Clinic: “Honey: An effective cough remedy?” “Chronic cough,” “7 ways to combat coughs and colds.” Canadian Family Physician: “Honey for treatment of cough in children.” Urologic Nursing: “Conventional and alternative medical advice for cold and flu prevention: what should be recommended and what should be avoided?” Rhinology: “The effects of a hot drink on nasal airflow and symptoms of common cold and flu.” American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology: “Effects of Ginger and Its Constituents on Airway Smooth Muscle Relaxation and Calcium Regulation.” InformedHealth.org: “Common colds: Relief for a stuffy nose, cough and sore throat.” American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy: “Normal saline solution nasal-pharyngeal irrigation improves chronic cough associated with allergic ...