How to get rid of sore throat fast

  1. 10 Ways to Help a Sore Throat

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10 Ways to Help a Sore Throat

Share on Pinterest You’ve likely experienced the symptoms of a sore throat in your lifetime. Itching, scratching, and burning aren’t fun, especially if they’re accompanied by other symptoms of a cold or a more serious virus. Sore throats can be downright miserable. Read on to learn what you can do at home to relieve a sore throat. Some over-the-counter (OTC) throat lozenges contain menthol, an ingredient that can gently numb the tissue in your throat. This can provide you with temporary relief from burning and pain sensations. In a pinch, candies can have the same effect. Candy and cough drops increase your saliva production and help keep your throat lubricated. However, candy and cough drops won’t soothe your sore throat for as long as medicated lozenges or relieve it as effectively, and you may find yourself needing relief again soon. Avoid giving lozenges or cough drops to young children. Both are a choking hazard. Warm tea that is sweetened with honey can help soothe your irritated throat. Tea also keeps you hydrated, which is another important step in treating a sore throat. Brew up a cup next time a sore throat starts to tickle. You might consider choosing a green tea, which serves as an antibacterial, pain reliever, and rich source of antioxidants, as well as helps reduce inflammation. Honey has another benefit when you’re sick. Purchase Staying hydrated is an important part of treating a sore throat. When you’re dehydrated, your body can’t produce enough saliva and...

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