Information about sant dnyaneshwar

  1. Dnyaneshwari: The Common Man’s Gita

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Dnyaneshwari: The Common Man’s Gita

Few texts have had such an impact on the religious landscape of Maharashtra, as Dnyaneshwari, a 13th century CE commentary on the Hindu scripture Bhagwad Gita, by Sant (Saint) Dnyaneshwar (1275-1296 CE) who is considered the greatest saint of the Bhakti movement in Maharashtra. Written around 1290 CE, this book revolutionised worship and made the Gita, Lord Krishna’s sermon to Arjun in the Mahabharata, accessible to the common man. This work not only took God to the people, but it also emphasised morality, good conduct and a pious way of living that each person could follow. This was in stark contrast to the elaborate rituals and rigidity of mainstream Hinduism. Such is the popularity of the book, that almost 800 years after it was written , it is still quoted and recited across Maharashtra and even broadcast on Marathi TV channels every day! – Few texts have had such a lasting impact on the religious landscape of Maharashtra, as the Dnyaneshwari The Bhakti movement and Dnyaneshwari emerged during the reign of the last Yadava (Seuna) King Ramchandra (1271-1311 CE) who ruled over the Kingdom of Devagiri (Daulatabad), which covered large parts of present day Maharashtra. This was a time of flux. On one hand there were those who wanted to keep close control over religion and the scriptures, on the other the very fabric of Hindu faith was under threat as armies of the Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji were rampaging across the Deccan and Hindu kingdoms were collapsing one after the...