
  1. Kutki Health Benefits & Uses
  2. Kutki — Health benefits, dosage, safety, side
  3. Kadugurohini (Kutki) Benefits
  4. Kutki
  5. Kutki Root (Picrorhiza kurroa)

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Kutki Health Benefits & Uses

How Does This Ayurvedic Herb Supplement Improve Wellness? CLINICAL AYURVEDIC REVIEWSupports Proper Function of the Liver and Immune System.* • Supports healthy function of the liver* • Assists in proper flow and function of bile* • Maintains healthy immune system function* • Aids a healthy respiratory system* • Balancing for pitta and kapha* Possible Contraindications: Do not take during pregnancy. Keep out of reach of children. SUGGESTED USE 30 drops in water or juice, 1-3 times daily or as directed by your practitioner. How should I take my tincture? Follow these guidelines AYURVEDIC MEDICINAL BIOCHARACTERISTICS See a complete list of INCREASES Functional Ayurveda helps you assess imbalances through 20 main gunas). Aggravating these characteristics weakens your body and causes imbalance. By knowing which characteristics are habitually imbalanced in your body, you will be able to identify and correct imbalances before you get sick. Every characteristic has an opposite which balances it (i.e. hot balances cold). You restore balance by favoring diet and lifestyle choices that increase the opposite characteristic. Taste is used to sense the most basic properties and effects of food. Each taste has a specific medicinal effect on your body. Cravings for food with certain tastes indicate your body is craving specific medicinal results from food. Taste is experienced on the tongue and represents your body's reaction to foods. Sweet taste causes physical satisfaction and attracti...

Kutki — Health benefits, dosage, safety, side

Picrorhiza kurroa is a herb from Ayurveda that is commonly called Kutki or Kutaki. It contains a 'bitter principle' which is a mixture of two molecules, the irioid glycosides known as picroside I and picroside II (picroside II also being called kutkoside) and the mixture overall is then called kutkin or picroliv. Overall, these are the active components. The herb itself, due solely to the kutkin molecules, appears to be potently hepatoprotective (protective of the liver) when ingested prior to or taken after exposure to a toxin. The protective effects seem to extend to all tested toxins or stressors that are known to alter liver function, and appear to also extend to states of intrinsic liver dysfunction (viral hepatitis and NAFLD from a high fat diet). Most notably it is protective against Tylenol, This fairly remarkable hepatoprotection from picrorhiza kurroa is limited by its lack of human studies, as despite the multitude of animal research on the topic there appears to only be one study in humans which showed that a very low dose of the supplement (25mg kutkin) was effective against viral hepatitis. Future studies in humans are needed to confirm its protective effects, and currently picrorhiza kurroa is a remarkably promising herb. Supplementation of picroliv (picroside I plus picroside II) appears to be most effective in at 12mg/kg (the higher dose, 24mg/kg, is not significantly more effective than 12mg/kg in most cases) and this leads to a preliminary human dosage o...

Kadugurohini (Kutki) Benefits

Kadugurohini or Kutki is a traditional and healing herb found in the Nepalese Himalayas. It is one of the oldest medicinal plants traded from the Karnali zone. Scientific name of this herb is Picrorhiza kurroa. It has soft hairy stems and broad or narrow leaves which grow almost near the ground. Kutki flowers are either white or a faded bluish purple and grow terminally (on top) in clusters. The herb is an indigenous medicine that is a bitter tonic. Kadugurohini is useful in relieving periodic attacks of hysteria, epilepsy and convulsion. The herb helps in promoting the secretion of bile juices and has antibiotic properties as well. Kadugurohini is a powerful laxative, a liver stimulant, laxative, appetite stimulator and a febrifuge. Tests have shown that the herb is useful in relieving patients of viral hepatitis, anorexia, vomiting as well as nausea. The plant kadugurohini is a bitter carminative and a digestant that has a cooling effect on the body. It is a cardio tonic, anthelmintic and an antipyretic. A number of studies of have shown that the herb is useful for relieving spleen disorders, skin problems and hepatomegaly. 1. Kadugurohini for Jaundice Traditionally, Kadugurohini roots are used to treat jaundice. Animal-based indicate that regular administration of Kadugurohini can reduce hepatitis. In a clinical study, 375 mg of Kadugurohini root powder, when given thrice day for a period of 2 weeks was found to reduce bilirubin and revert liver damage. 2. Kadugurohini ...


Kutki Millet (Little millet) Saame in Kannada and Saava in Marathi, scientifically also known as Panicum sumatrans is reported to have 37% – 38% of dietary fibre, highest among cereals and is termed as nutraceutical. It has B-vitamins, minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, potassium which are important for growing kids to strengthens the body. Benefits: Helps Fight Heart Diseases, Help Fight Diabetes, Improves Digestion, Rich in Anti Oxidents Nutritional Values per 100g: • PROTEIN 8.92g • FAT 2.55g • DEITARY FIBER 6.36g • CARBOHYDRATES 65.55g • ENERG 346.31kcal

Kutki Root (Picrorhiza kurroa)

The scientific name of Kutki is Picroorhiza Kurroa. The native of this traditional and healing herb is the Himalayan Mountains and now it is commonly grown in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, and UttaraKhand. The kutki root is called kadugu rohini in Tamil. It is one of the powerful Ayurvedic medicines to treat various health problems, such as skin problems, chronic fever, and diabetes. The kutki is a Sanskrit name, which means bitter; the name of this herb represents its taste. This herb belongs to the Plantaginaceae family. It is a large family; this family contains 3000 species. kutki is a perennial herb; it has a soft hairy stem. The leaves of this herb are narrow or broad, which grows almost near to the ground. The white or faded bluish-purple color kutki flowers bloom on top of clusters. The kutki root is very useful to get better relief from the periodic attacks of hysteria, convulsion, and epilepsy. This kadugu rohini helps to increase the bile juice secretion, and also it has the antibiotic property. The other names of this herb are Hellbore, Kuru, katuka, kurri, katuki, katuko, Hu Huang Lian, kutka, kadu, Picrorhiza. Common Names of Kutki Root Botanical Name: Picrohiza Kurroa Tamil Name: akutam, Acokarokini, amakkini, akutarokini, Kadugurohini, katukarogini Hindi Name: kardi, Kutki, karu, karoi, katuka, karwi Malayalam Name: katuku rohani, Kadukrohini Telugu Name: katukarogani, Katuka-rogani, katukkurohini Kannada Name: Katukarohini, katukarohini Marath...