Qatar time now

  1. Current local time in Qatar
  2. Time in Doha, Qatar now

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Current local time in Qatar

Are you about to make an International long distance phone call to Qatar? Are you planning a trip or preparing for a chat or online meeting? Just confirming the current time? We work hard to make certain the time and information presented here on is accurate and do our best to keep up with Daylight Saving Time rules and Time Zone changes for every country, not just the changes that affect United Kingdom. Thanks for visiting and we hope you'll bookmark our site and return again!

Time in Doha, Qatar now

UTC: 20:12 (UTC+00:00) CET: 22:12 (UTC+02:00) PST: 13:12 (UTC-07:00) MST: 14:12 (UTC-06:00) CST: 15:12 (UTC-05:00) EST: 16:12 (UTC-04:00) ChST: 04:12 (UTC+08:00) IST: 01:42 (UTC+05:30) Doha timezone Doha timezone is Asia/Qatar (unknown), UTC +03:00. The IANA timezone identifier for Doha is Asia/Qatar. The winter and summer time zones are the same. No Daylight Saving Time. No need to worry about DST. • DST is a time change that occurs in the summer when the clocks are moved forward one hour. Country info Country name: Qatar Country demonym: Qataris Continent: Asia Country code: QA Country capital: Doha Total area: 11,586 km² Total population: 2,881,053 Phone code ( IDD): +974 Currency: Qatari Riyal (QAR) Currency symbol: QR Language: Arabic (AR) Qatar location in world map What time is it now in Doha? The time now in Doha is 23:12. What is the timezone for Doha? The timezone for Doha is Asia/Qatar. What is the timezone offset for Doha? The timezone offset for Doha is +03:00. What is the IANA timezone identifier for Doha? The IANA timezone identifier for Doha is Asia/Qatar. Does Doha use Daylight Saving Time? No, Doha does not use Daylight Saving Time. What is the phone code ( IDD) for Doha? The phone code ( IDD) for Doha is +974. What is the currency used in Doha? The currency used in Doha is Qatari Riyal (QAR). What is the currency symbol for Doha? The currency symbol for Doha is QR. What is the language used in Doha? The language used in Doha is Arabic (AR). What are the ...