Radha krishna drawing for kids

  1. Radha Krishna Drawing using Python
  2. Radha Krishna Drawing using Python

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Radha Krishna Drawing using Python

Installation: In this article, we’ll show you how to draw a Radha Krishan painting using Python turtle graphics. python has a turtle module. turtle is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. About Turtle: Turtle graphics is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. It was part of the original Logo programming language developed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon in 1967. Turtle Documentation: Installation: To install the turtle module open your terminal and run the command below import turtle wn=turtle.Screen() wn.setup(768,768) wn.bgcolor("black") b=turtle.Turtle() b.color('yellow') b.up() b.speed(0) b.seth(0) b.fd(22) b.seth(90) b.fd(103) b.pensize(5) b.down() b.seth(10) b.circle(-50,25) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-50,10) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-50,5) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-50,3) b.up() b.seth(180) b.fd(35) b.seth(-90) b.fd(14) b.down() #1 eye1 2 b.seth(-46) b.fd(5) b.pensize(3) b.fd(10) b.pensize(4) b.fd(4) b.pensize(5) b.circle(25,62) b.pensize(4) b.seth(-48) b.fd(3) b.pensize(3) b.fd(4) b.pensize(2) b.fd(3) b.up() b.seth(45) b.fd(63) b.down() b.circle(-100,3) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-100,8) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-100,9) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-100,13) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-100,8) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-100,6) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-100,3) b.up() b.seth(-139) b.fd(103) b.down() #1 eye2 2 b.seth(46) b.fd(4) b.pensize(3) b.fd(6) b.pensize(4) b.fd(6) b.seth(-5) b.circle(115,5) b.pensize(5) b.circle(115,10) b.pensize(6) b.circle(115,15) b.pe...

Radha Krishna Drawing using Python

Installation: In this article, we’ll show you how to draw a Radha Krishan painting using Python turtle graphics. python has a turtle module. turtle is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. About Turtle: Turtle graphics is a popular way for introducing programming to kids. It was part of the original Logo programming language developed by Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert, and Cynthia Solomon in 1967. Turtle Documentation: Installation: To install the turtle module open your terminal and run the command below import turtle wn=turtle.Screen() wn.setup(768,768) wn.bgcolor("black") b=turtle.Turtle() b.color('yellow') b.up() b.speed(0) b.seth(0) b.fd(22) b.seth(90) b.fd(103) b.pensize(5) b.down() b.seth(10) b.circle(-50,25) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-50,10) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-50,5) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-50,3) b.up() b.seth(180) b.fd(35) b.seth(-90) b.fd(14) b.down() #1 eye1 2 b.seth(-46) b.fd(5) b.pensize(3) b.fd(10) b.pensize(4) b.fd(4) b.pensize(5) b.circle(25,62) b.pensize(4) b.seth(-48) b.fd(3) b.pensize(3) b.fd(4) b.pensize(2) b.fd(3) b.up() b.seth(45) b.fd(63) b.down() b.circle(-100,3) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-100,8) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-100,9) b.pensize(5) b.circle(-100,13) b.pensize(4) b.circle(-100,8) b.pensize(3) b.circle(-100,6) b.pensize(2) b.circle(-100,3) b.up() b.seth(-139) b.fd(103) b.down() #1 eye2 2 b.seth(46) b.fd(4) b.pensize(3) b.fd(6) b.pensize(4) b.fd(6) b.seth(-5) b.circle(115,5) b.pensize(5) b.circle(115,10) b.pensize(6) b.circle(115,15) b.pe...