Raipur to mainpat distance

  1. Distance between Raipur and Mainpat
  2. Mainpat, Chhatisgarh
  3. Things to do in Mainpat

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Distance between Raipur and Mainpat

It takes 7 hours, 32 minutes to travel from Raipur to Mainpat. Approximate driving distance between Raipur and Mainpat is 377 kms or 234.3 miles or 203.6 nautical miles . Travel time refers to the time taken if the distance is covered by a car. On the table above you can see driving distance in various units namely kilo metres, miles and nautical miles. 1 You can view the route map below. Click and zoom on the map to understand the route better and plan better for your trip. Route Map

Mainpat, Chhatisgarh

Mainpat is an underrated hill station with green pastures, deep valleys, breathtaking waterfalls, dense forests and untouched rivulets. The hill station hasn’t been completely commercialised yet and receives a relatively smaller influx of tourists compared to its counterparts. Mainpat is often called as Shimla of Chhattisgarh and Mini Tibet owing to its huge Tibetan population and influence over the area. The Tibetan refugees were rehabilitated in Mainpat after the Chinese invasion of Tibet and have since found a home in Mainpat. That’s another great thing about Mainpat, the confluence of cultures and diverse traditions only add to the picturesque village’s charm. Mainpat has a host of accommodation options for every pocket with a good number of budget hotels. There is a government rest house called Shaila at Mainpat, it does require an advance booking and scheduling. There is also an expansive resort called Mercury Resort, it is also the most well-known accommodation in Mainpat. The resort has a host of activities like zorbing, trekking, rappelling for its visitors. There is also a Tiger Falls Camping Resort that provides you with a camping experience and adventure activities like hiking. 1. Avoid visiting during the summers, the water bodies dry up and the climate leans towards the hotter side. 2. Don't travel to Mainpat after sundown, the road from Ambikapur isn't that great and may be difficult to traverse in the dark. 3. Mainpat does not have a lot of street signs and...

Things to do in Mainpat

Mainpat is a small, hilly village in the Surguja district of Chhattisgarh. It is known for green pastures, rolling hills, deep rocky valleys, and dense forests, spread across virgin territories. The breathtaking beauty and the relatively cooler weather from the rest of the state, have earned Mainpat its nickname of Shimla of Chhattisgarh and a Mini Tibet of the state. Mainpait is recognized as the home to Tibetan religious exiles who have formed a peaceful yet vibrant community over the decades. There is also a beautiful Buddhist temple and monastery that adds to the charm of the village. With less commercialization and tourism, this village remains a picturesque destination for real explorers and adventure seekers. With our travel guide, you can plan an all-rounded trip to this exquisite place and explore the attractions here. Location Mainpat is located in the Surguja district in the northern part of Chhattisgarh, at about 55KM from the nearest city of Ambikapur, 160KM from Korba, and 360KM from Raipur. Weather Mainpat weather is that of tropical plains. Summers are hot and humid and could be occasionally dry. Winters are the exact opposite, with pleasant and cool days and chilly nights. The monsoon period is also comfortable, with abundant rainfall enhancing the green cover in the region. History Historically, Mainpat was mostly jungle and remains one of the most forested regions of the country. In the earlier centuries, the village and the forests were home to the Yada...