Ramdhari singh dinkar

  1. Biography of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
  2. Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar' Quotes (Author of रश्मिरथी)
  3. रामधारी सिंह 'दिनकर'
  4. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar
  5. Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’: A Poet to Remember
  6. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Biography: Birthday, Early Life, Career, Works, Family, Death Anniversary

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Biography of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar was a prominent writer, poet and essayist.He is established as the best heroic poet of modern times. He studied history, philosophy and political science from Patna University. He studied Sanskrit, Bengali, English and Urdu in depth. Dinkar was established as a rebel poet before independence and became known as Rashtrakavi after independence. His poetry exuded ‘ Veer Rasa.’He was the first-generation poet of shadowy era. On the one hand, his poems call for rebellion, resentment and revolution, and on the other hand there are expressions of soft decorative emotions. He was a regular poet of Hindi Kavi Sammelan and is hailed to be as popular and connected to poetry lovers of Hindi speakers as Pushkin for Russians. He was mostly known by his pen name Dinkar. Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • Name Ramdhari Singh Dinkar [ Pen Name Dinkar Date of Birth September 24, 1908 Place of Birth Simaria village, Begusarai, Bihar Father’s Name Ravi Singh Mother’s Name Manroop Devi Occupation Poet, Author Death 24 April 1974, Madras, Chennai Award 1. Sahitya Akademi Award 2. Padma Bhushan 3. Jnanpith Award • • • • • • • • • • • Early Life of Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Ramdhari Singh Dinkar was born on September 24, 1908 in Simaria village of Begusarai district of Bihar. His father’s name is ‘Ravi Singh’ and his mother’s name is ‘Manroop Devi’. Dinkar was two years old when his father died. As a result, Dinkar and his siblings were brought up by his mother. Dinkar’s ch...

Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar' Quotes (Author of रश्मिरथी)

“दो न्याय अगर तो आधा दो, पर, इसमें भी यदि बाधा हो, तो दे दो केवल पाँच ग्राम, रक्खो अपनी धरती तमाम। हम वहीं खुशी से खायेंगे, परिजन पर असि न उठायेंगे! दुर्योधन वह भी दे ना सका, आशिष समाज की ले न सका, उलटे, हरि को बाँधने चला, जो था असाध्य, साधने चला। जन नाश मनुज पर छाता है, पहले विवेक मर जाता है। हरि ने भीषण हुंकार किया, अपना स्वरूप-विस्तार किया, डगमग-डगमग दिग्गज डोले, भगवान् कुपित होकर बोले- 'जंजीर बढ़ा कर साध मुझे, हाँ, हाँ दुर्योधन! बाँध मुझे। यह देख, गगन मुझमें लय है, यह देख, पवन मुझमें लय है, मुझमें विलीन झंकार सकल, मुझमें लय है संसार सकल। अमरत्व फूलता है मुझमें, संहार झूलता है मुझमें।” ― Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, “प्रासादों के कनकाभ शिखर, होते कबूतरों के ही घर, महलों में गरुड़ ना होता है, कंचन पर कभी न सोता है. रहता वह कहीं पहाड़ों में, शैलों की फटी दरारों में. होकर सुख-समृद्धि के अधीन, मानव होता निज तप क्षीण, सत्ता किरीट मणिमय आसन, करते मनुष्य का तेज हरण. नर वैभव हेतु लालचाता है, पर वही मनुज को खाता है. चाँदनी पुष्प-छाया मे पल, नर भले बने सुमधुर कोमल, पर अमृत क्लेश का पिए बिना, आताप अंधड़ में जिए बिना, वह पुरुष नही कहला सकता, विघ्नों को नही हिला सकता. उड़ते जो झंझावतों में, पीते जो वारि प्रपातो में, सारा आकाश अयन जिनका, विषधर भुजंग भोजन जिनका, वे ही फानिबंध छुड़ाते हैं, धरती का हृदय जुड़ाते हैं.” ― Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, “यह देख, गगन मुझमें लय है, यह देख, पवन मुझमें लय है, मुझमें विलीन झंकार सकल, मुझमें लय है संसार सकल। अमरत्व फूलता है मुझमें, संहार झूलता है मुझमें। 'उदयाचल मेरा दीप्त भाल, भूमंडल वक्षस्थल विशाल, भुज परिधि-बन्ध को घेरे हैं, मैनाक-मेरु पग मेरे हैं। दिपते जो...

रामधारी सिंह 'दिनकर'

रामधारी सिंह 'दिनकर' ' (23 सितम्‍बर 1908- 24 अप्रैल 1974) 'दिनकर' स्वतन्त्रता पूर्व एक विद्रोही कवि के रूप में स्थापित हुए और स्वतन्त्रता के बाद 'राष्ट्रकवि' के नाम से जाने गये। वे छायावादोत्तर कवियों की पहली पीढ़ी के कवि थे। एक ओर उनकी कविताओ में ओज, विद्रोह, आक्रोश और क्रान्ति की पुकार है तो दूसरी ओर कोमल शृंगारिक भावनाओं की अभिव्यक्ति है। इन्हीं दो प्रवृत्तियों का चरम उत्कर्ष हमें उनकी कुरुक्षेत्र और उर्वशी नामक कृतियों में मिलता है। अनुक्रम • 1 जीवनी • 2 प्रमुख कृतियाँ • 2.1 काव्य • 2.2 गद्य • 2.3 निबंध संग्रह • 2.4 अन्य लेखकों के विचार • 2.5 रचनाओं के कुछ अंश • 3 सम्मान • 3.1 मरणोपरान्त सम्मान • 4 सन्दर्भ • 5 इन्हें भी देखें • 6 बाहरी कड़ियाँ जीवनी 'दिनकर' जी का जन्म भूमिहार ब्राह्मण परिवार में हुआ था। उन्होंने उन्हें संस्कृति के चार अध्याय उर्वशी के लिये 1947 में देश स्वाधीन हुआ और वह रामधारी सिंह दिनकर स्वभाव से सौम्य और मृदुभाषी थे, लेकिन जब बात देश के हित-अहित की आती थी तो वह बेबाक टिप्पणी करने से कतराते नहीं थे। रामधारी सिंह दिनकर ने ये तीन पंक्तियाँ पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू के विरुद्ध संसद में सुनायी थी, जिससे देश में भूचाल मच गया था। दिलचस्प बात यह है कि राज्यसभा सदस्य के तौर पर दिनकर का चुनाव पणृडित नेहरु ने ही किया था, इसके बावजूद नेहरू की नीतियों का विरोध करने से वे नहीं चूके। देखने में देवता सदृश्य लगता है बंद कमरे में बैठकर गलत हुक्म लिखता है। जिस पापी को गुण नहीं गोत्र प्यारा हो समझो उसी ने हमें मारा है॥ 1962 में चीन से हार के बाद संसद में दिनकर ने इस कविता का पाठ किया जिससे तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री नेहरू का सिर झुक गया था. यह घटना आज भी भारतीय राजनीती के इतिहास...

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Biography Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar' (रामधारी सिंह 'दिनकर')was an Indian Hindi poet, essayist and academic, who is considered as one of the most important modern Hindi poets. He remerged as a poet of rebellion as a consequence of his nationalist poetry written in the days before Indian independence. His poetry exuded veer rasa, and he has been hailed as a Rashtrakavi ("National poet") on account of his inspiring patriotic compositions.As a mark of respect for him, his portrait was unveiled in the Central Hall of Parliament of India by the Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh on his centenary year, 2008. Dinkar initially supported the revolutionary movement during the Indian independence struggle, but later became a Gandhian.He was close to prominent nationalists of the time such as Rajendra Prasad, Anugrah Narayan Sinha and Braj Kishore Prasad. However, he used to call himself a 'Bad Gandhian' because he supported the feelings of indignation and revenge among the youth. In Kurukshetra, he accepted that war is destructive but argued that it is necessary for the protection of freedom. Dinkar was three times elected to Rajya Sabha, and he was the member of this house from April 3, 1952 CE to January 26, 1964 CE, and was awarded the Padma Bhushan in 1959. During The Emergency, Jayaprakash Narayan had attracted a gathering of one lakh people at the Ramlila Grounds and recited Rashtrakavi Dinkar's poetry: Singhasan Khaali Karo Ke Janata Aaati Hai. Biogr...

Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’: A Poet to Remember

It was the 25th of June 1975. There were more than a hundred thousand people congregated at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan and Jayaprakash Narayan, the man who had rallied the country around him thundered, ‘Singhasan khali karo, ki janta aati hai’’ (vacate the throne, for the people are coming), to frenzied applause. This evocative war cry had already been entrenched in the hearts of the people who were there thanks to the work of the poet who JP quoted. Twenty-five years before this day, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar had dedicated his poem ‘ Janatantra Ka Janm’ (The Birth of a Republic) to India as it declared itself as a Republic. Now JP, always an astute leader who like his mentor, the Mahatma, knew how to get to the heart of the people, was using Dinkar’s powerful lines to take on Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s regime. That very night, Indira Gandhi declared Emergency. – Dinkar’s life and work exemplified the struggles he faced and his patriotic fervour. While Dinkar wasn’t around to see that dark day, his fiery composition of rebellion and patriotism, would become a rallying cry for protests against the Emergency. Today identified as a ‘Rashtrakavi’ or one of the National Poets of India, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar’s life and work exemplified the struggles he faced, his patriotic fervour and the vision he and a generation of India’s freedom fighters had for a caring, inclusive India. Ramdhari Singh ‘Dinkar’ | Wikimedia Commons Dinkar was born on 23rd September 1908 in the village of Simari...

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Biography: Birthday, Early Life, Career, Works, Family, Death Anniversary

Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Biography: Ramdhari Singh Dinkar was a notable poet, essayist, and patriot in Hindi. Kurukshetra, a lengthy poem based on the Bhagavad Gita, was the most well-known of his inspirational compositions. He was also known as Rashtra Kavi (National Poet) for his promotion of national integration during India’s partition. He was well-known in Hindi Kavi Sammelans as a poet. For his intense anti-establishment writings, he is also known as “Vidrohi Kavi” (Rebel Poet). Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Biography Early Years Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, who was born in the village of Asansol on September 23, 1908, was one of the most renowned Hindi poets of the 20th century. After a brief tenure as a journalist, he became a full-time writer and distinguished himself as a poet who praised the Indian way of life. His poems, which frequently drew from Hindu mythology, served as a rallying cry for the Indian independence movement. He also wrote about social issues and the common man’s routine life. The Padma Shri was granted to Dinkar in 1956, and the Sahitya Akademi Fellowship in 1972. Career 1928 marked the publication of ‘Vijay Sandesh,’ Ramdhari Singh Dinkar’s first significant poetical work. This work comprised of ten poems inspired by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s peasant satyagraha. His poem about Jatin Das was released on September 14, 1928. During this period, he also composed the lost works “Meghnad-Vadh” and “Birbala.” A year afterwards, the poet compos...