Respiration and circulation class 12

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  3. Maharashtra State Board Class 12th Biology Notes
  4. Respiration Grade 12 Zoology
  5. Lecture Notes: Respiration and circulation

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Topics to be Learn : • Respiration • Organs of respiratory exchange • Human respiratory system • Mechanism of respiration • Regulation of breathing • Modified respiratory movements • Common disorders of respiratory system • Transportation in living organisms • Circulation in animals • Circulatory system in human • Red blood corpuseles / erythrocytes • White blood corpuseles / leucocytes • Thrombocytes / platelets Introduction : The energy that is stored in the body in the form of complex organic compounds (potential energy) is however not usable by the organisms unless it is converted into usable form. This conversion is achieved through the process of respiration. Respiration : Respiration is a biochemical process of oxidation of organic compounds in an orderly manner for the liberation of chemical energy in the form of ATP Example : C 6H 12O 6 + 6O 2 → 6CO 2 + 6H 2O + 38 ATP (In this, the process of gaseous exchange takes place between the organism and the environment.) Organs of respiratory exchange : Respiratory surface should possess the following features for efficient gaseous exchange. • A large surface area. • Thin, highly vascular and permeable to allow exchange of gases. . • Moist surfaces. Gaseous exchange in plants : A terrestrial plant has stomata on leaves and young stems and lenticels on the stem surface for exchange of gases. Respiration in Animals : In animals, depending upon the complexity of organization and the surrounding medium, respiratory organs hav...

Circulation Grade 12 Zoology

Circulation: It is the flow of fluid connective tissue through definite vessel either blood vessels or lymph vessels. Functions of the Circulatory System 1.Respiration- delivers oxygen to the cells and removing carbon dioxide from them. 2.Nutrition- carries digested food substances to the cells of the body. 3.Waste Removal- disposes of waste products and poisons that would harm the body if they accumulated. 4.Immunity- helps protect the body from disease. 5.Cellular Communication- the circulatory system provides a mode of transport for hormones. 6.Thermoregulation- the circulatory system transports heat (can both warm and cool body). Types of Circulatory system: Animals possess two type of circulatory system. They are a) Open type and b) Closed type Open Type: In this type of circulatory system the blood may be present in the blood vessels for some time but finally it comes out of the blood vessels. The internal organs are directly bathed in blood. The blood flows from the heart into the arteries. The artery open into large spaces called sinuses. From the sinus the blood is carried by the veins to the heart. There are no inter connecting vessels or capillaries between the arteries and the veins, as the blood comes out of blood vessels. This type of circulatory system is called open type. It occurs in annelids like leeches, arthropods, most of the molluscs and ascidians. Closed Type: In the closed type of circulatory system, the blood remains inside the blood vessels and do...

Respiration and Circulation 7.pdf.pdf

Page 1 : SURYA CLASSES, , LECTURE NOTES BIOLOGY [PAPER-II], , XII SCIENCE, , CHAPTER NO, NO:: 08, CHAPTER, 8, , 1, , RESPIRATION &, CIRCULATION, , ❖ Circulation: The process of transport of various substances like, oxygen, nutrients ,hormones and metabolic wastes through circulatory, system is called as circulation, , ❖ Circulatory System in Human: The human circulatory system, composed of blood vascular system and lymphatic system., The interconnected blood vascular and lymphatic system is, known as circulatory system, , ❖ Blood vascular, , System/Cardiovascular system:, , o The system in which blood is circulated throughout the body is called, as blood vascular system., o The heart together with blood vessels helps in transport of blood, around the body to supply nutrients and oxygen to the tissue and, removal of waste products is known as blood vascular system ., o Blood vascular system consist of blood, heart and blood vessels and, helps in transport, homeostasis and protection, o Types of Circulatory system :, 1. Open circulatory system: In this system, blood does not confined to, blood vessels., • Example: Leech, Crab, Spider, Snail, Lobster, Bivalve, hardmania ,, Pila., 2. Closed circulatory system: In this system, blood confined to blood, vessels., • Example: Higher animals, ., , William Harvey: Discovered closed circulatory system, , ❖Hematology: The science which deals with the study of blood., ❖Blood: Blood is fluid connective tissue. It is main circulatory flui...

Maharashtra State Board Class 12th Biology Notes

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Respiration Grade 12 Zoology

Respiration can be defined as biochemical process by which foods are oxidized to liberate energy. Overall respiration involves two processes. Types of Respiration 1. Aerobic It occurs in all higher forms (organisms) in this type Oxygen is necessary. C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ -------- 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + 2880 K joule . 2. Anaerobic respiration C₆H₁₂O₆ ----------- C₂H₅OH(ethyl alcohol) + CO₂ + 210 K joule example yeast C₆H₁₂O₆ ----------- C₃H₂O-3 (lactic acid)+ energy example intestinal worms Respiratory organs: There is a pair of spongy conical hollow bags enclosed in pleural cavities called lungs. The plural cavities are lined by tough, flexible and transparent membranes called pleura. The plura is double walled. The outer membrane is parietal and inner membrane is visceral membrane. These membranes protect lungs and stop leaking of air into thoracic cavity. The fluid secreted by pleura reduces the friction during breathing movement. The lungs are capable of great expansion. They are inflated when filled with air. These are found in either side of heart. The right lung has three lobes and left lung has two lobes. The three lobes of right lung are right superior, right inferior and middle lobe. The two lobes of left lung are left superior and left inferior. The left lung has cardiac notch at its anteromedian border to accommodate the heart. There are about 750 millions of alveoli. These large no. of alveoli provide about 100 sq meter of surface. It is about 50 times of skin surface. Alveoli ...

Lecture Notes: Respiration and circulation

We will review the FORMAT and PROCESS for the midterm exam today Reading for this lecture Required. Gill: Chapter 6, especially pages 141-150 Optional. Procter & Lynch: Pages 189-218 1. Respiration in birds A) HIGHLY EFFICIENT • i) Respiration in birds differs significantly from that in mammals. In particular birds have a“one-way” system of airflow, which creates a continuous stream of air moving through the system (like a river). In contrast, in mammals air moves in and out (like the tide) along the same passages, causing air that is already in the system to impede the movement of incoming air. • ii) In birds, nearly all of the air in the lungs is replaced on each breath. This is not true in mammals. Consequently, birds are able to transfer more oxygen to their blood on each breath than are mammals. iii) The tissue of bird lungs is much denser than that in mammals. Therefore, birds are able to accomplish much more with a smaller, more compact lung than a mammal could. B) AIR SACS • i) A major peculiarity of the avian respiration system is the presence of air sacs. These arefound only in birds and help to create the one-way airflow that allows bird respiration to be so efficient. • ii) Air sacs are discrete, organized structures, that fill parts of a bird’s body cavity and extend into wing and leg bones. • iii) In addition to their role in respiration, air sacs help to remove excess heat from the body during flight and, when inflated, function as shock absorbers and protec...