
Vescovo announced this week that he completed his final dive on August 24, 2019, plummeting 5,550 meters (18,208.66 feet) into the Molloy Deep, the lowest point in the icy Arctic ocean, situated.

New seabed surveys show, for the first time, the deepest points of the Indian Ocean and the Southern Ocean. As part of the Five Deeps Expedition team, scientists from Caladan Oceanic LLC and the British Geological Survey have surveyed in detail the deepest reaches of the Java and South Sandwich trenches.

Space and sea explorer Richard Garriott is the first person in the world to have explored the North Pole, the South Pole, flown to the International Space Station and descended to the deepest.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest ocean on Earth. It spans 60 million square miles from California to China, and in certain regions extends tens of thousands of feet below the surface.

Explorer and multimillionaire Victor Vescovo just reached the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean — the bottom of the Puerto Rico Trench. Vescovo became the first person to do so on a solo.

Point Nemo is the most remote place on Earth - the place farthest from land. It is located in the South Pacific Ocean and lies around 2,688 kilometers (1,670 miles) from the nearest land. It is.