
Introduction. Dholak is a very popular folk drum of northern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh as well. It is barrel shaped, at times a cylindrical drum, with skins on both sides. Dholak has one side which has a high pitch and another side which has a lower pitch and is very popular in folk music.

ढोलक मतलब [सं-स्त्री.] - छोटा ढोल; ढोलकी । Also see Dholak in English. ढोलकिया मतलब [सं-पु.] - ढोलक बजाने वाला व्यक्ति; ढोलची; ढोलवादक। [सं-स्त्री.] छोटा ढोल। ढोलकी मतलब [सं-स्त्री.] - छोटा ढोल; ढोलक। Words Near it Dholakiya Dholaki Dholana Dholani Dhola Dhola Dholak - Matlab in Hindi Here is meaning of Dholak in hindi.