
What are the similarities between colonial management of the forests in Bastar and in Java? 3 Between 1880 and 1920, forest cover in the Indian sub-continent declined by 9.7 million hectares, from 108.6 million, hectares to 98.9 million hectares. Discuss the role of following factors in this decline: (i) Railways (ii) Ship-buildings

Away from the country’s forests, the war has caused other kinds of environmental damage. Rare steppe and island ecosystems in the south have been pummeled, threatening endemic grassland plants and insects; in the north, the exclusion zone around the stricken Chernobyl nuclear reactors has been left largely unattended; and rivers across the Donbas conflict zone in the east are being polluted.

Deciduous forests are found in regions which receive rainfall of 200–70 cm. The trees of the tropical evergreen forests do not shed their leaves at the same time as there is no particular season for shedding leaves. The trees of the deciduous forests shed their leaves for about six to eight months during the dry season. The tropical evergreen.

The Indian tropical rain forests are mainly found in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Western Ghats, West Bengal and Andaman and Nicobar Islands, as they receive heavy rainfall. All these areas are also covered with evergreen forests . Geography of the Tropical Rain Forest

Grasslands in different regions have different names: Africa has savannas; Asia has steppes; South America has pampas; and North America has prairies. Photograph by Maria Stenzel Reference.

Floods: Rainwater is naturally absorbed by forests, allowing it to seep into the soil. It aids in the preservation of the water table. The soil will not hold water if trees are not present, resulting in flooding. Trees not only provide food for other organisms but also provide protection and support.

Forest is a natural absorber of rain water. It allows rain water to seep through. The roots of the trees absorb the water and prevent it from flowing away. The trees present in the forest prevents the rain from directly hitting the ground which may result in floods. It rather hits the ground slowly.