
Our online currency converter is showing you the value of 1 Indonesian Rupiah in Indian Rupees according to the current foreign exchange rate'of INR 0.0056. Today i.e. Monday 12/06/2023 , for 1 Indonesian Rupiah you get 0.0056 Indian Rupees. Change in IDR to INR rate from previous day is 0%.

1 Indian Rupee = 180.64 Indonesian Rupiah updated 10:10:00(EDT) 11/06/2023 Get Rate. Currency Conversion Tables. Rupee: Rupiah ₹ 1: Rp 181 ₹ 3: Rp 542 ₹ 5: Rp.

Belok kiri, belok kanan (bae-lok kee-ree, be-lok kaa-naan) / turn left, turn right. Knowing these phrases will not only help you understand when people are telling you directions, but it will also help you communicate with drivers (assuming you know where to go or have a map). Dekat, jauh (dhe-kat, jaa-wuh) / near, far.