
Jackfruit is a tropical tree fruit grown in Asia, Africa and South America. It belongs to the same plant family as figs and mulberries. Under its thick, bumpy green rind is a stringy yellow flesh that you can eat raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. (Its seeds are also edible.)

कटहल के बीज का उपयोग – How to Use Jackfruit Seeds in Hindi. कटहल के बीज का उपयोग करने के तरीकों को निम्न बिन्दुओं के माध्यम से समझा जा सकता है ( 1 )।. कटहल की.

Jackfruit are evergreen, latex-producing trees of up to 25 m that are native to India and Malaysia, that have spread to Sri Lanka, China, South-east Asia and to tropical Africa. They are cultivated for the large fruits that can vary in shape and size, and for timber.