
ಕಾಂತ ♪ kānta noun a man with reference to a woman to whom he is married; a husband. a man who is loved by or who loves, a woman; a lover. (in comp.) a stone. the normal place of dwelling; a house. the moon. iron. Křṣṇa. Skanda (Subrahmaṇya). any piece of certain kinds of material that has the property of attracting iron; a magnet.

कंधा. / kandhā /. mn. shoulder countable noun. Your shoulders are the parts of your body between your neck and the tops of your arms. He glanced over his shoulder. / kandha, kandhA, kandhaa, kandhā, kndha, kndhA, kndhaa, kndhā /. Copyright © 2014 by HarperCollins Publishers.