
हार मानती है.” # “मां तो जन्नत का फूल है, प्यार करना उसका उसूल है, दुनिया की मोहब्बत फिजूल है, मां की हर दुआ कबूल है, मां को नाराज करना इंसान तेरी भूल है। मां के कदमो की मिट्टी जन्नत की धूल है !!” # “क्यों मैं जाऊं उसे कहीं छोड़कर मां के कदमों में सारा जहान है, एक माँ ही तो है जो हमे दुनिया की सभी तकलीफों से महफूज रखतीं हैं

When is Mother's Day 2023? This year, Mother's Day will be May 14. Is Mother's Day the same date every year? No. In the United States, Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May. The date.

Mother's Day in the United States celebrates motherhood on the second Sunday of May. A day to honor mothers, grandmothers, mothers-in-law, and all motherly figures. Mother and daughter cooking a special meal for Mother's Day. Many people give gifts, cards, flowers, candy, a meal in a restaurant, or other treats to their mother and mother.

( 1) Mother’s Day Class 11 English by J.B.Priestley Summary of Mother’s Day Mother’s day is based on a practical experience of a mother, Mrs. Pearson, who is both ignored and snubbed by her own kids on daily basis. She is treated as if she were a slave in her own home.