
PEAR MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES. pear पर / पैर / पेर. PEAR = नाशपाती [ pr. { nashapati } ] (Verb) Usage : Pear is a nutricious fruit. उदाहरण : नाशपाती. +178. PEAR = देखना [ pr. { dekhana } ] (Verb) उदाहरण : इ सी यू. +27. PEAR = नाख [ pr. { nakh.

Pears are a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, potassium, and copper. In addition, pear fruit is good for our health, benefits our kidneys, gut, and heart. Along with these, there are a lot of other pear benefits as well, and they lower the risk of diabetes.

Grade 1. This a high grade, thoroughly saponified, milled soap or homogenized soap or both, white or coloured, perfumed and compressed in the form of firm smooth cakes, and shall possess good cleaning and lathering properties. Mandatory TFM requirement: 76 per cent minimum.