
Check 'pertussis' translations into Marathi. Look through examples of pertussis translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

Overview What is whooping cough? Whooping cough, also called pertussis, is a very contagious upper respiratory infection. It usually gives you lengthy and repeated bouts of coughing. These coughing episodes can continue for weeks or even months after you first develop symptoms of the illness.

After this happens, someone with pertussis may gasp loudly, resulting in the characteristic “whoop” sound. Pertussis is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis and is spread through the air by coughing or sneezing. The bacteria attach themselves to the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and release toxins that damage the airways.

Pertussis, or whooping cough, is an acute respiratory tract infection that continues to affect a significant portion of the global population, with more than 24 million estimated cases in 2014..

Pertussis is a severe respiratory infection caused by Bordetella pertussis, and in 2008, pertussis was associated with an estimated 16 million cases and 195,000 deaths globally. Sizeable outbreaks of pertussis have been reported over the past 5 years,.

Antimicrobial choice. The recommended antimicrobial agents for treatment or chemoprophylaxis of pertussis are. Azithromycin *. Clarithromycin. Erythromycin. Clinicians can also use Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxasole. Clinicians should choose the antimicrobial after consideration of the. Potential for adverse events and drug interactions.

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough, is a highly contagious bacterial disease. [1] [10] Initial symptoms are usually similar to those of the common cold with a runny nose, fever, and mild cough, but these are followed by two or three months of severe coughing fits. [1] Following a fit of coughing, a high-pitched whoop.

pertussis: 1 n a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane Synonyms: whooping cough Type of: infectious disease a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact respiratory disease , respiratory disorder , respiratory illness a disease affecting the respiratory system

Runny nose Low fever (below 102 F) You may also have diarrhea early on. After about 7-10 days, the cough turns into “ coughing spells” that end with a whooping sound as the person tries to breathe.

Detailed information on whooping cough, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

Azithromycin (Zithromax) is the preferred treatment for pertussis because of its favorable.

Fever Sore, watery eyes Lips, tongue, and nailbeds may turn blue during coughing spells Whooping cough can last up to 10 weeks and can lead to pneumonia and other complications. The symptoms of whooping cough may look like other medical conditions. Always consult your health care provider for a diagnosis. How is whooping cough diagnosed?