
New Delhi to Dehradun (261km) → Dehradun to Uttarkashi (144km) → Uttarkashi to Barkot (80km) → Barkot to Sayanachatti (27km) → Sayanachatti to Hanumanchatti (6km) → Hanumanchatti to Phoolchatti (5km) → Phoolchatti to Jankichatti (3km) → Jankichatti to Yamunotri (6km). Visit Yamunotri by Air You can visit Yamunotri by air i.e by a helicopter.

Kedarkantha Trek is a popular winter trek among seasonal trekkers and beginners. It is a week-long trek in Pashu Vihar National Park in Uttarakhand.Situated at an altitude of about 3810 meters above sea level, this thrilling summit offers a mind-blowing view of the majestic Himalayan peaks decorated across the skyline.

First of all, if you’d rather skip the hassle of planning your own EBC Trek, Klook has Everest Base Camp Tours starting as low as $900 for a full 12-day trek.