
Answer: Pine is the important variety of tree. Vegetation located in coniferous forests, specifically conical evergreen or scaly timber, with lengthy winters and mild to excessive annual rainfall. The coniferous forests of northern Eurasia also are known as “taigas” and “northern forests”.

Lentils and Pulses Names in Hindi, English, Tamil, Marathi By Dassana Amit Last Updated: June 27, 2021 102 Comments The glossary or list of legumes and lentils or pulses names used mainly in Indian Cuisine is presented here. Pulses and legumes are an excellent sources of plant based proteins.

A greater variety of plants and animals in the forests helps it to regenerate and grow. A variety of animals and plants living in forests build rich biodiversity. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all has an important role to play. Different animals and plants play different roles in the system.