
147th International Convention Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World 31.12.2022 - 4.1.2023 301 Days 14 Hours 17 Minutes 31 Seconds Program Presentations on Theosophy Mini School of the Wisdom Cultural programs Donate 301 Days 14 Hours 17 Minutes 31 Seconds Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World 147th International Convention Donate

Entering into the sacred surroundings of Nature and the Headquarters of the Theosophical Society (TS) is a special thing and we expect behaviour like in an Ashram. The Campus has had a significant meaning and influence since its Founders first arrived here in 1882.

Adyar Eco Park The Adyar Creek is counted among the few most fragile estuary ecosystems in the country and has remained largely untouched through the history of Chennai. However, in a measure to protect this ecosystem for the future, the Tamil Nadu Government named the estuary a protected area and started work on a mega eco-park surrounding it.