
algae: 1 n primitive chlorophyll-containing mainly aquatic eukaryotic organisms lacking true stems and roots and leaves Synonyms: alga Types: show 31 types. hide 31 types. seaweed plant growing in the sea, especially marine algae golden algae algae having the pigments chlorophyll and carotene and xanthophyll yellow-green algae any alga of.

Living World & Classification of Microbes Q Bank - Answers Exercises 1. Use Whittaker’s method to classify bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes. 2. Complete the five kingdom method of classification using- living organism, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular, unicellular, protista, animals, plants, fungi. 3.

A few examples of unicellular algae are, Unicellular algae are mostly phytoplankton found in both marine and freshwater habitats and some unicellular algae are found in terrestrial habitats. Many of these algae are extremophiles. Based on the presence of either Rhizopodia or flagella, unicellular algae can be either motile or non-motile.

Algae are a group of plants that are usually found in water. Like all plants, algae have a pigment called chlorophyll that they use to turn sunlight into food. Algae can be found in all types of waters, including salt water, fresh water, and brackish water (a mix of salt and fresh water).

: any of a diverse group of chiefly photosynthetic and aquatic plantlike organisms that range from unicellular to large multicellular forms, are typically classified as protists, and include the green, yellow-green, brown, golden-brown, and red algae in the eukaryotes and especially formerly the cyanobacteria in the prokaryotes

Domain: Archaea Organisms: Methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles, and psychrophiles

Click to listen to the pronunciation of algae Use our interactive phonemic chart to hear each symbol spoken, followed by an example of the sound in a word. American definition and synonyms of algae from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the American English pronunciation of algae.

Biology Diversity in the Living World 500+ live tutors are teaching this topic right now! Request a live explanation Question Question asked by Filo student 28) Brown algae is, characterised by the presence of (a) fucoxanthin haematochrome Views: 5,188 students Updated on: Feb 21, 2022 1 student asked the same question on Filo

plural noun, singular al·ga [al-guh].

Which term best describes the current state of algae-based biofuel? C.In development

Red algae are mainly known for their heart-health benefits, while brown algae are known for their immune-boosting properties. Additionally, red algae are used in skin care products due to their ability to hydrate and nourish the skin, while brown algae are used for their hydration benefits.

आइए जानते है कि शैवाल क्या है ( algae kya hai )-आप लोगों ने पानी में हरे रंग का गुँथा हुआ पदार्थ देखा होगा जोकि गुच्छी के रूप में होता है इसे ही